The big question is not whether DNA has features that resemble algorithms, but whether such features can arise through variation and selection.
That is the issue being raised by creationists and proponents of directed panspermia. I really am not interested in piling onto that work-in-progress. All those challenges will be forthcoming from the likes of Francis Crick (double helix fame) followers and the much maligned creationist/ID crowd.
I am interested in digging deeper into Hubert Yockey's work (Information Theory and Molecular Biology.) He has already determined that such algorithms could not arise in a primordial soup (Yockey on a discussion thread.)
Yockey is agnostic and very well respected. But I believe his work can be taken a step further to show that algorithm at inception is proof of intelligent design. And I suspect that Rocha's efforts will be key in showing that inception RNA editing would be algorithmic in itself - recursive process and syntactic autonomy.
My hope is that such a discovery would help rid the taboo of speaking about a designer.
The central problem with ID, and the reason it should not, in its present form, be taught is that it asserts that certain things cannot happen. that kind of thinking shuts down curiosity, a terrible thing to do to children. Much better to have people trying to prove things can be done.
Perhaps you can point me to a certified ID proponent who has discovered a useful medicine and has credited his or her ID thought processes to the line of research leading to the discovery.