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Here the Words of God to the Nation ^

Posted on 11/09/2002 6:46:06 PM PST by GoldenEagles

Hear the Words of God to the Nation

My Dear Children,

     Since September 11, 2001, I have been hearing a lot of prayers for the protection of America.

     It's now just a little bit more than one year later, and as a sniper terrorizes the Washington, D.C. area, shooting my people apparently at random, I have been hearing more and more prayers for the protection of America. Actually, I am hearing more prayers from the people of the Washington D.C. area than I have ever heard before.

     It's not that I can't help you. I Am surely able.

     But, I have somewhat of a bone to pick with you, for you see, I have been sending my angels to you for nearly 30 years asking you to protect the most defenseless among you, the most innocent of innocents, the most defenseless of the defenseless, my children who are yet developing in the womb, preparing themselves therein, for that auspicious day when they will be able to take that first breath, and go on from there to grasp the amazing and wonderful plan that I have designed for each one of them individually.

     In every way I know, I have told you that these children must be guarded. That they must be protected. That each child conceived must be born, and given the opportunity to live. Yet, you have turned a deaf ear to me. You have turned a deaf ear to my messengers.

     And now, after you have allowed 40 million of these precious children to perish, after having made a conscious choice not to raise a finger in their defense, and what is even more difficult to bear from my standpoint — seeing that the prospect of another 40 million dead does not faze you in the least — I am hearing a wail rise from the many frightened hearts who are now sincerely fearing for their own lives. God bless America you say. God bless America, indeed.

     I am a reasonable Father. I have not shut off my attention from you. I am open to reason. So, if you don't mind, please explain to me, why I should go out of my way to protect you, to guard you from untimely death, even after you have stubbornly refused, year after year after year, to protect my children in the womb. Please explain to me why I should go out of my way to safe guard your life, and that of your nation, when you will turn around and use that additional life opportunity to stand idly by while the innocent in the womb are slaughtered by the thousands each day, and while the daily death toll of thousands rolls into a yearly death toll of millions. Let me have your best reasoning on this point, and I will consider it. As it was written in your sacred texts long ago, come, and let us reason together. I am all ears. I can't wait to hear what you have to say to me in this regard.

     And if you have nothing to say, surely you can understand why I would have nothing further to add to what I have already said here.

All my Love,
Your Heavenly Father,
I Am That I Am
(the name I revealed to Moses as
my name, in case you have forgotten)

[Editor's Note: Anticipating that many will want to know about the origin of the foregoing text, I offer the following explanation. It is not a "dictation". It is not a "channeling." It is more in the tradition of what a Presidential Press Secretary might produce for the President. For example, when President George W. Bush says to his press secretary Ari Fleischer, "I need a statement on such and such a subject, please draft one for me." The President will give some initial instructions regarding the main thrust of the statement, but he leaves it to his press secretary to use his own common sense and knowledge as to what ought to be added as appropriate context to the main message. That is what I have done here. Of course, there will be some who will wonder from whence came the main instruction related to this divine statement. I offer the following explanation in this regard. After my evening work period on October 15, 2002, I went to the kitchen to begin my salad preparation. I turned on the T.V. and tuned to one of the cable news channels. The commentators were talking about the sniper who had been terrorizing the Washington D.C. area over the last couple of weeks or so. As I listened to the news cast, and as I was beginning the salad preparation process, I was presented with a deeply penetrating insight which had God speaking to the nation thusly: "If you refuse to protect my children, please explain to me, why I should go out of my way to protect you?" The instant I saw this, I reached for my pocket notebook and wrote it down. Over the course of the salad making process, I contemplated what I had seen, and it became clear to me, that the next task was to format this into a letter to the editor for publication in the local newspaper. When I sat down at the word processor a couple of hours later, I set forth what I had seen in the context that you see above. Steven S. Showers, 10-16-02.]

Best Regards,
Steven S. Showers, Editor
Homeward Bound - The Journal
of Ascended Master Devotion


p.s. In regards to this specific terrorist incident, we note that God our Father, for several weeks, stood by and did nothing to stop these murderers. But after a period wherein the entire population of the Washington D.C. area stood in terror for their very lives, I can tell you that the number of prayers reaching the ears of God for some kind of assistance, were 10,000 times more than he had every heard before. And what was his response? It ended as swiftly as it began. God our Father is merciful, and God our Father believes in the power of Gratitude. Having brought this situation to a quick end, there is great hope in heaven that the Gratitude of the people towards Him, will work to soften their hearts when it comes to honoring His request to safeguard the lives of His children aborning in the womb.

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To: GoldenEagles
Don't sweat it, GE. Whatever you believe is your business, and if you care to share it, all the better for others to hear diverse views, if that they be. I cannot account for the compulsion enslaving so many here to flame anyone who dares speak in ways not concordant with the beliefs of the self-righteous.

My fellow Church members here on the FR are flamed every time we mention the "M-word" ("Mormon"), and I in general no longer bother to respond to bigots who think that they will succeed where thousands of others have failed in discrediting what turns out to be the most rapidly growing denomination in America today and is spreading across the world to every nation, kindred, and tongue.

So many venoms-spewing fools and uninvited critics, who most often are not the "addressee" of references to a particular faith, trying to "hit a home run" and taking offense where none is intended (Brigham Young counseled against falling prey to the folly of taking offense and acting accordingly)-- who, by their screeds and arguments show themselves to be both bigotted and ignorant concerning the religion they love to hate. I'm sure that the Savior is very proud of them all (not).

To summarize, f'em if they can't handle the fact that others have beliefs and are willing to discuss them with others. The Lord knows your heart, and if we mortals don't have it right the first time, He has shoulders big enough to love, understand, and judge us in all fairness and righteousness anyway.

I don't hate the haters, but they sadden and bore me at the same time. There is too much work to be done here to waste our limited time here on Earth by lashing out at those who wish them no harm....

61 posted on 11/20/2002 6:43:57 AM PST by tracer
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To: Junior
How profound of you....
62 posted on 11/20/2002 6:45:54 AM PST by tracer
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To: GoldenEagles
This is the disciple which testifieth of these things, and wrote these things: and we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen. (John 14:24-25)

There is an old saying that you have to stand for something or you will fall for anything. My eyes are opened to new things all the time but only if I can support it thru scripture .

I looked up John 14:24-25. "He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings:and the word which ye hear is not mine,but the Father's which sent me.These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you."

Well, I do love Jesus and keepeth His sayings but unless other books are found that can be cannonized (ms?)I'll stick to the gospel because there are two little verses in Revelation 22:18&19 that scare the hell out of me. Anyway, everyone has a right to believe what they wish but I have concerns with the way you are interpreting scripture. I do support you on your abortion stand though. Thank you for inviting me to your post. My prayers are with you.

Sinkspur, I hate to admit this (but probably for completely different reasons) I've changed my mind and agree with you. LOL CD

63 posted on 11/20/2002 6:52:25 AM PST by CindyDawg
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To: GoldenEagles
I think perhaps the only thing that has kept us whole as a nation is the fact that abortion was forced on us by a radical, activist court.

It's never been put to popular vote, where I believe it would fail. The Fed has usurped the will of the people, the power of the individual states, in which they threw down the laws and instituted their federal mandate.
64 posted on 11/20/2002 6:54:45 AM PST by MissAmericanPie
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To: Junior
Dear junior,

I am open to any constructive criticism you might have on my grammer. Would you mind expanding on what you think is poor grammer?

And I should mention that I see that there is a misspelling in the title to this thread. "Here" should be "Hear". If I could go back and fix it, I would. Is that what you are referring to?
65 posted on 11/20/2002 8:11:34 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: CindyDawg; ImaGraftedBranch; Burdened White Man; Alamo-Girl; TEXOKIE; Aliska; amom; David; c-b 1; ..
A Vision

     Dear CindyDawg, what would be wrong, evil, or unbiblical, or non-scriptural about the full realization of this vision?

     I see hundreds, then thousands, and then millions of God’s Children coming into the full realization of the Sonship promised to them by Jesus Christ, but not in some nebulous future time, but in the here and now, for example, within the next 10 to 20 years. As these millions of full-fledged Christs go on with their lives, living in and among their brothers and sisters, they will be casting out demons, they will be healing the sick, they will be raising the dead, and they will be feeding the multitudes. And most importantly, they will be teaching the people how to take firm and eternal possession of their own divine birthright. And therefore, what was once simply millions of full-fledged Christs living among the people, you will have tens of millions of full-fledged Christs living among the people in perhaps, say 20 to 30 years.

     How could the Liberal Democrat fixation on a National Health Care Program survive among a people who have come to realize that the power to heal is resident in the Power of God that shines within their very own hearts?

     How could the Liberal Democrat fixation on the Welfare State survive amidst a people which finally understands, as Jesus understood, that God our Father is the provider of all good things, and that he is ready, and willing, and able to provide each one of his Sons and Daughters with whatever they need?

     How could the Liberal Democrat sponsored homosexual movement survive, in this environment that has literally come to shine with the effulgence of paradise, once homosexuals realize what it really means to achieve the full dimension of the promise made by Jesus Christ, and that they can never achieve it until they abandon their homosexual lifestyles?

     How could the Liberal Democrat sponsored abortion movement survive, in this environment that has literally come to shine with the effulgence of paradise, once every American comes to realize what it really means to achieve the full dimension of the promise made by Jesus Christ, and that they can never achieve it until they abandon the practice of aborting God’s Children in the womb?

     How could the Liberal Democrat sponsored “I am a victim of slavery” mindset, survive among the black population of America, once they realize that the promise made by Jesus Christ applies to them too, that they too can realize the fullness of that promise, the fullness of their own Sonship under God, and walk the earth with the members of every race in this most noble condition of Christhood?

     How could racism, another club that the Liberal Democrats hold over us day in and day out, of any sort survive in such an environment? It would be impossible.

     How could the pornography industry survive, in this environment that has literally come to shine with the effulgence of paradise, once the people come to realize what it really means to achieve the full dimension of the promise made by Jesus Christ, and that they can never achieve it until they abandon their fixation on pornorgraphy?

     How could the drug cartels survive, in this environment that has literally come to shine with the effulgence of paradise, once the people come to realize what it really means to achieve the full dimension of the promise made by Jesus Christ, and that they can never achieve it until they abandon their fixation on drugs?

     The same observations could be made concerning all of the various dimensions of crime that plague our nation today. The same observations could be made concerning the various forms of disease that burden the people in every part of the world. Disease will not survive in a nation, and in a world, wherein their reside people who have realized the same power of healing as that demonstrated by Jesus Christ.

     As America finally comes to realize her destiny in this regard, as the shining city on the hill, that so many illumined minds have seen from the inception of our Republic (Democracy, Version 2.0), the radiance of our example will shine into all the nations of the earth, and the same process will occur in every nation, where there will be tens, then hundreds, then thousands of full fledged Christs living among the people in every nation, in every culture. And as these thousands of full-fledged Christs move in, and among the people, teaching them how to go about securing their own eternal divine birthright, there will then be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, in many cases millions of full-fledged Christs populating every nation, every culture across the face of the earth.

     Will not the entire earth then shine, like unto a star, with a radiance of Christ attainment that Jesus Christ certainly had in mind when he said:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)

     So, I ask you again, what would be wrong, evil, or unbiblical, or non-scriptural about the full realization of this vision?

66 posted on 11/20/2002 11:30:58 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: ImaGraftedBranch; Burdened White Man; Alamo-Girl; TEXOKIE; Aliska; CindyDawg; amom; David; c-b 1; ..
And One More Thing

     In the final analysis, it is not what you believe that matters, but what you can become.

     Although, your belief structure does have an important role to play in the process of becoming. If your belief structure says that you can’t become anything more than what you are today, then you will never become anything more than you are today. If your belief structure says you can become something more than you are today, while that, by itself, will not guarentee that you will become what you have in mind, at least you are not chained down by self-imposed limitations.

     The most wise thing that you can have in mind in this regard, is what the Master Jesus Christ set before us as his vision of what he knows we can become. This is because, the Master Jesus Christ was empowered by God to bring about the fulfillment of that vision, in each one of us, according to our own desire to achieve it of course.

     Therefore, to set your sights on this, and then to seek the way towards the realization of this, is, it seems to me, the very height of wisdom, in as much as there is such a great promise of improvement embodied in it, not just in terms of self, but in terms of the conditons in the whole world:

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)

67 posted on 11/20/2002 11:34:36 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: GoldenEagles
Thanks for pinging me. I just figgure this life is boot camp where you get whipped into shape. I try to bloom where I'm planted and be a blessing, sometimes I actually succeed.

I gotta be honest, that ruling and reigning for a thousand years, puts a terrible scare in an individual who would rather just tend a garden. To me it means you better start getting it right, by learning reasoned thought and perfect fairness in this life. None of us know for sure that we will be in that number when He returns, but just in case...master yourself, bring everything you are into submission. More of thee and less of me O Lord, amen.
68 posted on 11/21/2002 7:28:45 AM PST by MissAmericanPie
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To: GoldenEagles
"Here the Words of God to the Nation" .... Breaking News I'm watching Fox News and they haven't cut in yet....Hey wait a this like MLK's "I have a dream speech"....I heard he just made that up...he never had that dream.
69 posted on 11/21/2002 7:56:49 AM PST by MP5SD
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To: GoldenEagles
Please take me off your group posts, okay. Thanks.
70 posted on 11/21/2002 6:10:17 PM PST by Burdened White Man
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To: MissAmericanPie
What a great reply, I am in agreement with everything you wrote!
71 posted on 11/21/2002 7:45:13 PM PST by potlatch
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To: potlatch
Thank you.
72 posted on 11/21/2002 8:11:38 PM PST by MissAmericanPie
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MP5SD writes in post #69 above:

"Here the Words of God to the Nation" .... Breaking News I'm watching Fox News and they haven't cut in yet....Hey wait a this like MLK's "I have a dream speech"....I heard he just made that up...he never had that dream.

I don't think that Martin Luther King ever implied that he went to sleep one night, and during the night he had a dream, and when he woke up, he remembered that dream, and wrote it down, and that he then used that dream in his famous speech.

I think the word "dream" is used in a more general, and future vision sense.

From the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, the definition for the word "dream" has (4) major subdivisions. The 4th subdivision seems to fit the sense in which Martin Luther King was using the word:

4 a : a strongly desired goal or purpose b : something that fully satisfies a wish : IDEAL

73 posted on 11/21/2002 9:55:36 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: MissAmericanPie; ImaGraftedBranch; Alamo-Girl; TEXOKIE; Aliska; CindyDawg; amom; David; c-b 1; ...
     MissAmericanPie writes in post #68 above:

To me it means you better start getting it right, by learning reasoned thought and perfect fairness in this life.

     I can't allow any reverence to the true Altar of God to pass by — which is embodied in this phrase, learning reasoned thought — without at least a note of recognition, and respect.

     Little do people understand (so far), that true devotion unto God our Father, causes the light of divine illumination, from the threefold flame within the heart, to flow into the mind.

     The threefold flame within our hearts, is a spiritual flame, and it is the actual Presence of God our Father, and within that flame, we have his radiance of Divine Love, of Divine Wisdom, and of Divine Power. And all the God is, is accessible to us, within that radiant presence within our hearts.

     Real and genuine devotion unto God, causes that illumination to flow from the heart, and into the mind. Even though we commonly think that the heart is beneath the mind, and that the light of the heart must flow upwards from the heart into the mind, and in a certain sense this is true, it is also true, that the radiance of the heart, because it resides in such a high spiritual plane, that the energy actually cascades down, into the lower dimensions, where our attention is focused, i.e. within the framework of that mind which we call our own. As that higher plane energy enters into the mind, it becomes the basis of understanding. It becomes the basis of common sense. It becomes the basis of conscience. And yes, it becomes the basis of reason.

     True understanding, true common sense, true conscience, and true reason, are all predicated on devotion unto God, which is the only posture that will cause the light of the heart to flow into the mind.

     And of course, God's Children seem to know intuitively, that once that power of reason is resident within the mind, that to bow down before the laws associated with it, is to bow down before the law of God. For example, we intuitively understand, that to bow down before truth, is to bow down before the very person of God, because God is truth. But, because the power of reason gives us the power to discriminate between truth and falsehood, (without losing our cool), the power of reason then, is actually closer to God, than is the power of truth. Therefore, if we are not working to embody the purest reason within our minds, we will not be able to discern the purest truth. A jewel of truth can only exist within a mind which has already established the golden setting of reason, which is golden illumination, as its foundation.

     As St. Paul said:

Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. (1 Corinthians 1:10)

But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. (1 Corinthians, 2:14-16)

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: (Philippians 2:5-6)
This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; (Hebrews, chapter 10:16)

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:2)

     And since the divine flame of love, wisdom, and power, as the presence of God within our hearts is so close, and so accessible, i.e. over the pathway of sincere devotion, we should never consider the golden light of reason to be out of our reach. And therefore, to strive to amplify it, through increased devotion on the one hand, and on the other, through exercise, at every opportunity, represents the epitome of wisdom.

     So, I applaud you for having the presence of mind, to recognize the value of the power of reason, and that you have recognized it within the framework of your own mind, a recognition that you have clearly garnered through your sincere devotion to God our Father.

     Is your reasoning power perfected? Probably not. In Jesus Christ we see reasoning power perfected. Here is a soul who successfully integrated his identity with the full radiance of the threefold flame in the heart. All of us are at a considerable distance from reaching that goal of complete integration. But nevertheless, there seems to be enough of that valuable quantity in evidence in you, that there is a good possibility that the following question will not fall on barren ground.

     In this respect, I would have to ask you, if you can find within the power of reason that you have garnered within your own mind, any impetus at all, to step forward and say, that you discern nothing wrong, evil, non-Biblical, and non-Scriptural in the vision (in post #66) that I have presented above?

74 posted on 11/21/2002 11:49:25 PM PST by GoldenEagles
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To: sinkspur; GoldenEagles
This "Ascended Masters" nonsense is ludicrous.
75 posted on 11/21/2002 11:53:35 PM PST by Cultural Jihad
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To: i_dont_chat
While I was making a salad, God spoke to me and told me to tell you to stop speaking for Him.


76 posted on 11/21/2002 11:54:40 PM PST by Cultural Jihad
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To: GoldenEagles
I am open to reason. So, if you don't mind, please explain to me, why I should go out of my way to protect you, to guard you from untimely death, even after you have stubbornly refused, year after year after year, to protect my children in the womb.

It behooves us to get our house in order right quick.

77 posted on 11/21/2002 11:59:27 PM PST by Concentrate
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To: sinkspur
I am just sitting here shaking my head and wondering what the heck is happening on this site lately.
78 posted on 11/22/2002 12:05:57 AM PST by Texasforever
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To: GoldenEagles
That is a lovely vision. I see it as happening post the return of Jesus though. We have already been told what will happen in the not to distant future.

Satan will make war with the Saints and overcome them. Some will be imprisoned, some will be beheaded. Daniel 4 pretty much describes what happens to "those that do know their God".

Daniel 4:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.
33 And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.
35 And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.

There is obviously great trouble coming, I can't shy away from it, it's just not there in me for my Lord to find me hiding under the bed from the boogey man when He returns. Maybe that is why I get too bold sometimes, too eager to battle for the truth. Too eager to be tested, that's bad of me in a way. I try to search myself to see if it's vanity, pride, or just the deep desire to please Him. I get very offended and protective of Him and He doesn't really need my meager efforts. In truth sometimes it is vanity, as if the ability to reason things out is any way my accomplishment. I beat myself up pretty good when I see it.

Anyway, I'm rambling here, thank you for the compliment, I would like to know where your vision comes from, and if there are scriptures that I can study to enlighten me on the vision you have for the future.
79 posted on 11/22/2002 12:26:56 AM PST by MissAmericanPie
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To: ImaGraftedBranch; Alamo-Girl; TEXOKIE; Aliska; CindyDawg; amom; David; c-b 1; potlatch; per loin; ..
Just One More Thought

     It occurred to me a few minutes after I punched the "post" button in relationship to the preceding message, that in one of concepts that we discussed above, that we have a basis upon which we can build an understanding of the role of Jesus Christ. In other words, in these words, we have a basis upon which we can really understand WHY we can call this Son of God "Savior". Christian doctrine does not have an explanation for this. Well, you either accept the saviorship of Jesus Christ, or face the threat of certain and eternal damnation.

     But I think that it is true, that God never intended the Children of God to be driven through the portals of heaven with the whips of fear and terror. But rather, they were intended to literally fly through that portal on the wings of understanding. And I think that we can do a little of that wing building here.

     The concept we discussed above had to do with how the light of the heart flows into the mind. We observed that because the heart is physically located below the seat of the mind, (the brain in our heads), that it appears, that if the light is to get from the heart, into the mind, that it must flow in an upward direction, and we noted that there was obviously a certain amount of truth to this. But it is also true, that the radiance of the heart, because it resides in such a high spiritual plane, for its energy to reach the mind, that the energy would have to actually cascade in a downward direction, in terms of vibration, into the lower dimensions, where our attention is focused, i.e. within the framework of that mind which we call our own.

     Now, the reason that these concepts can form a basis upon which we can come to understand the role of Jesus Christ, is really quite simple.

     Using this premise, that the actual radiance of the threefold flame, and the actual spiritual substance of the threefold flame itself, resides, and is visible, only within the highest spiritual planes, (and I use the plural form to denote the obvious multi-dimensionality of God), we must ask ourselves, how does the energy of this flame, which is anchored in our hearts, travel from the highest spiritual planes, into these lower regions, and finally into our conscious minds, to reside there as the power of reason?

     I can imagine that there are many readers who are thinking to themselves at this point, "Do mean that there is an actual answer to that question? Are you serious?" And I would say, Yes, there is a serious answer to this question.

     The answer is Jesus Christ. And one might well wonder, "How so?"

     First, we must note that the radiance and illumination of the heart is not freely accessible to souls that reside within this fallen state of imperfection. You cannot simply dip your hand into the radiance of the flame like you could into a high mountain stream, and take a drink therefrom. This is because the fallen soul does not have the power to rise, by its own power, into the higher spiritual realms. The consciousness of the soul is locked into a very narrow range of energy vibration. And that energy vibration is very low, compared to spiritual realms. The fallen soul does not have the power to lift itself out of these lower regions, and that is actually an immutable design parameter of the physical realm. In other words, that is the way God designed it. He did not want people, in this state of imperfection, to be able to simply waltz into heaven on a whim and throw a big rock and roll party with all of the associated sex, and drugs, before his very throne. And you can imagine all the other categories of behavior that God would desire to keep out of heaven as well, rock n roll parties being only one such category. Therefore, barriers were set up to make sure this would never happen. Those barriers consist, in the main, of a set of natural laws which fix the vibratory expression of mankind within a particular range. No matter how hard people may try, and they certainly try, they can never succeed in rising out of the fixed boundaries of existence that God has set.

     Because of the layered energy structure of life, wherein one level of existence is roped off so to speak from another level of existence, energy from the higher spiritual realms can not flow directly into the lower physical realms. In other words, if you had a four-tiered fountain in front of you, you could see the water flowing out of the top, and you could see it cascading down to the next level, and then to the next level, and then into the lower basin. The water, representing energy, remains visible from the top to the bottom, and its path from the top to the bottom is direct, more or less. What I am trying to get at here, in this example, the energy does not have to go through any intermediate levels of transformation, or translation, or modification, as it descends from one level to the next lower level, and so on.

     But spiritual energy, as it travels from its highest levels, down to the lower levels of creation, must be stepped down vibrationally as it descends. If the light of the heart is to register upon the awareness of the soul who lives within the energy band defined for the physical realm, that light must be stepped down vibrationally.

     And moreover, not only does it have to be stepped down vibrationally, it must be stepped down in intensity, i.e. in terms of its net power. This is a really important concept. The threefold flame, as it exists, anchored within our hearts within the highest spiritual realms, represents the all power of God. But, the soul is not ready to deal with the all power of God. It wouldn't know what to do with the all power of God. In fact, the all power of God, contained in that threefold flame, if it were released within the mind of the soul at its total power level, would simply fry the mind to a crisp.

     The principle here then, is that there must be a mechanism by which the blazing radiance of the threefold flame, and all of its power, can be stepped down, into lower dimensions, both in terms of vibration and intensity, to manifest as useful reasoning power within the mind of man.

     What is that mechanism? That mechanism is the Mediator, in the person of the Master Jesus Christ.

(Now, there are some interesting qualifications that are to made which will soften the sharp edges of this statement, in regards to the quality of absoluteness. But they only soften the edges, without modifying the general structure of this truth, and therefore, it is not necessary to go into them here.)

     I think that if you think about these principles deeply, you will discover many reasons that will have the effect of amplifying your regard, your respect, and your gratitude for this Master many times over.

     Think about this. By virtue of his success in fully integrating himself with the threefold flame in his heart, this Master, has been endowed by God, through the power of that threefold flame, which is the only means of divine empowerment, to play this mediating role for every child of God on the planet. Isn't that amazing? This means that the power of the threefold flame gives this Master the capacity to be in a billion places at the same time, and to accomplish the most incredibly important and detailed work in each of those billion places. Now, this sounds a lot like God himself right? I mean God has placed his threefold flame in billions of hearts, and energy is extending from those billions of flames supporting the framework of billions of individual lives all of this simultaneously. When the soul merges its identity with the threefold flame in the heart, that gives the soul the capacity to be wherever God has placed a threefold flame! And that means everywhere, and thus, Jesus Christ can minister unto the Children of God, billions of them simultaneously, at all locations on the planet.

     There are so many amazing ramifications to this, that one could never get bored contemplating it.

     I think one of the most interesting ramifications of this, is the new framework of understanding it provides when it comes to interpreting his words as they are recorded in scripture, and I am thinking primarily of those passages where he is admonishing his disciples to adhere to certain standards of behavior. In light of this new understanding, we can take all such admonishments as the requirements that he has set forth, that allow him to play that mediating role for a particular soul. Do you see?

     Take for example, this admonishment:

And to love [God] with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices. (Mark 12:33)

     What the Master is saying here, is, if a soul does not conform himself to these commandments, then Jesus, in the role of Mediator, cannot play the mediating role for that soul. He cannot establish the flow of divine light from the heart into the mind of that soul. And why is that? The answer is beautifully logical. The light of the heart, is the light of love. And it is the light of understanding as well. If the soul does not prepare its mind to receive the light of love, and the light of understanding, by conforming its mind to the law of love, and to the law of understanding, the Master cannot transfer the light of the heart into that mind.

     The soul must work with the Master, cooperate with the plan, and establish structures of thought within the mind that can receive the light of the heart, establish structures of thought within the mind that are harmonious with the light of the heart. If the soul does not do this, the Master cannot play his mediating role, transferring the light of the heart into the mind.

     Every single admonishment that Jesus ever gave to his disciples, represented the requirements that they had to meet, in order for him to be able to transfer the light of the heart into the mind of the soul. And it would be a very worthwhile exercise to take every single admonishment made by Jesus Christ, which is recorded in the Gospels, and hold each one of them, one by one, up to the light, within this new framework of understanding.

     Here, we can see how true understanding can give the soul an incentive it never had before, to conform itself to the admonishments set forth by Jesus Christ, none of them having anything at all to do with some future day of salvation, all of them rather, having to do with the here and now flow of divine illumination from the threefold flame in the heart, into the mind of the soul, over the intercessory and mediating path that is provided by this Master's own blazing and radiant heart.

     Another interesting ramification that comes to mind, relates to those who claim to be the disciples of Jesus Christ, yet in their behavior, and in their way of thinking, they are breaking every admonishment the Master ever set forth. For example, those that trash other people for not adhering to their particular flavor of doctrine, heaping upon them all manner of calumny, are so far out of alignment in their own minds, from the admonishments that the Master has set forth, they you can be sure that the Master can in no way fulfill his mediating role with them, and that no light from the radiant threefold flame of the heart, is being transferred into their minds. And that they are like unto walking caverns of darkness albeit with the name of Jesus Christ on their lips. Clearly, these are the people whom the Master spoke about when he said:

     Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
     Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
(Matthew 7:21-27)

     Another ramification of this that comes to mind, is one that actually validates the genuine spiritual experience, of every sincere child of God no matter what tradition that soul was born into. Think about that.

     What this matrix of understanding tells us, is that every child of God has a threefold flame. (There is an important qualification to this statement, but it is not important for the present discussion). And that if a particular soul meets the requirements set forth by Jesus Christ, in terms of the PRINCIPLES to which the soul must conform its heart, mind, and soul, that in the midst of its devotions unto our Father God, who is the Creator of every soul after all, that Jesus Christ, in his role of Mediator, must work to transfer the light of the heart of that soul, into that soul's mind, bringing about the power of divine reason therein, whether or not the soul understands who Jesus Christ is or not! And that's a fact.

     And this is another interesting factor that goes to tell you how very little some people who profess to be Christians, really understand about the role of Jesus Christ, and the spiritual path that he has set before all of us, by example on the one hand, and as the implementor of that path on the other, in his role as Mediator, which God has assigned to him by virtue of his victory in attaining to a condition of total integration with the threefold flame in his own heart.

     What does that mean? That means that every day, across the planet, as the Children of God in all cultures, pour out their genuine devotions unto God, that Jesus Christ is working with every soul, whether they know his name or not, bringing about the flow of the radiance of the light of the heart, into the mind. This is true regardless of their imperfect understanding of spiritual truths.

     Though it is clear, that the limited nature of the understanding resident in some minds, will limit the extent to which the Master can play that mediating role.

     For example, those people who espouse hatred of anyone, or anything, no matter how many fluttering garments of piety they place upon their anger, there is no way that the Master Jesus Christ can play the mediating role with these souls, and for them, we can be sure, that the radiance of the threefold flame that God has anchored in their hearts, remains completely unaccessible by them. It is as if that flame, for them, did not exist at all. And I am thinking about the members of the Islamic community who preach hatred, and cling to hatred as the central element of their identities.

     Osama bin Laden, and his followers, for example, know as much about divine truth as your friendly barn yard oinker knows about flying.

     Though other members of the Islamic community, which is the majority of the members of the Islamic community, being genuine children of God, and to the extent that they are genuinely interested in conforming their lives to the principles of love and peace, and devotion unto God, are definitely the recipients of the intercessory services of Jesus Christ, again, whether they know it or not, bringing about that blessed flow of light, from the threefold flames God has anchored in their hearts, into their outer minds, to operate there as understanding, as conscience, as reason.

     And this is true for every devotee of God, no matter what religious tradition they call their own, by tradition, by culture, or by family association.

     Though it is interesting to note, that the Teachings of Jesus Christ, were meant to be the highest teachings on the planet, though the doctrines have become so distorted, that the Christian religion today, is no more likely to produce the fruit of true spiritual evolution as any other, and that is because the doctrine has been inverted to deny to the children of God the actuality of spiritual evolution, the knowledge and methodology of which Jesus came to bestow upon all.

     The apex position of Christianity is primarily in the fact that its leader gave the clearest example of what it means for a soul, when it succeeds in reintegrating its identity with the threefold flame in the heart. The highest dimension of this example, was that this reintegration empowered this Master to play the role of Mediator for every Child of God on the planet. But there were additional dimensions of this example that are worth noting as well, which include feeding the multitudes, casting out demons, walking on water, changing water into wine, raising the dead, healing the sick, making the blind to see, and successfully overcoming death, i.e. the death that was imposed upon him personally in the crucifixion.

     And the only way a soul can do these things, is to fully identify with the reality of the threefold flame in the heart, which gives the soul access to the all-power of our Heavenly Father.

     Where is there a Christian minister who teaches the truth in this regard, that Jesus Christ came to give forth an example of what it means to reintegrate the identity with the threefold flame in the heart? Where is there a Christian minister who teaches the truth in this regard, that Jesus Christ came to give forth the formula by which the Children of God could achieve the full reintegration of their identities with the threefold flame in the heart? Where is there a Christian minister who teaches the truth in this regard, that this process of reintegration requires a Mediator, and that Mediator is Jesus Christ?

     Where is there a Christian minister who teaches the truth in this regard, that Jesus Christ stands ready now, here today, not in some future time, to play that role of Mediator, and to bring about the complete victory of the soul's reintegration with the threefold in the heart, again, not in some future time, but right now, today?

     And where is there a Christian minister who understands, that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is to be understood, as his coming not as outer teacher any longer, but as the inner Mediator which will boost other souls into their own realization of Christhood, that this Christ must come forth now, not the Christ that Jesus is, but the Christ that every soul is charged to become, through this process of reintegrating its identity with the radiance of the threefold in the heart.

     Well, you will not find any Christian minister giving forth this message in any "Christian" church throughout America, and throughout the world.

     And so, you can see why the truth, which is the truth of all ages, had to brought to the ears of God's Children through avenues outside of the Church structure.

     Those who are the guardians of the Big Lie, the Big Inversion, within the organized churches, obviously hate the "New Age". But isn't the realization of the truth about Jesus Christ, all about bringing forth a New Age of enlightenment and peace on the earth? In other words, through the radiant hearts of all of God's Children? That's how Jesus Christ sees it. And I believe we would all be wise, to look at it in that way too.

     Understanding is a multi-faceted crystal. When anchored in the mind, only radiance spills out into the world. It has nothing at all in common with the uni-dimensional religious ideology (an absolute inversion of the original intent of Jesus Christ) which is being thrust down the throats of God's Children with the battering ram of fear and terror by the theologians of the organized Christian Church. Like your proverbial piece of coal in your Christmas stocking, it can only make the world more shadowy, and more fearful, as its sooty particles drift over the world, and down to cover over every radiant face that first looks up into the sun of truth.

80 posted on 11/22/2002 4:24:56 AM PST by GoldenEagles
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