As the governments assumption of the ignorance of the people it governs becomes more apparent to those governed, the backlash against Walters and all law enforcement will grow. Disrespect for Federal Law Enforcement is already rampant in this country and on this forum.
This is a foolish waste of one billion dollars. In every state where this marijuana issue has come before the people for a vote, the sentiment of the people has been clear. Legalize or decriminalize the stuff. Washington is ignoring the will of the people in the "Several States". Something more important to the government then the "will of the people" is at stake here. What could it be?
Americans have had 50 years to learn about marijuana and know that it is not the demon drug that the ONDCP wants to make it out to be.
Here's the thing. Walters and other high-ranking drug warriors know what you say is fact. They have built a house of cards and it is collapsing because it is based on lies and illusions. Honest truth always outlives a lie. They are on their last gasp. It's like the obnoxious drunk that doesn't know when to quit much less how to quit.
Something more important to the government then the "will of the people" is at stake here. What could it be?
The WOD. That too is going to collapse with Walters leading the charge via his marijuana lies. The WOD is being increasingly backed into a corner.