The only expressions I saw were the anguish and misery while listening to his sister & good friends & other family members testify.
His sister especially evoked strong feelings from him, and who can blame him.
There is obviously much love & respect there.
Do you really think they have him on antidepressants?
....I guess that would certainly make sense.....I don't know how I could sit through day after day if I didn't have some kind of calming medicine.
Even with that, if that's the case, he looks like he's self-destructing from the inside out.
..Something is causing his head to tremor.....and he looks like he's in a living hell (not of his own making, I might add)
A few days ago, you mentioned --in a reply to my post--that if folks wanted to encourage him, they should, as you think he will be on a suicide watch if left alone.
Does that still stand.