Their math cannot possibly add up.
Let’s say a household has a monthly gas bill of $100 (for me that would be record breaking). That would be $1200 per year.
How much will it cost the same household to convert to the new furnace, stove, and water heater? $10k?
Even with a 100% increase in efficiency, it would take 20 years to break even.
As listed, the efficiency is going up from 80% to 95 % in the “best” case. That not even 19% increase in efficiency!
Since half of your bill are monthly constant charges, you could safe maybe up to $10 a months!
Yes, man, in less than 100 years, you will be making money!!!
But, wait a minute!
You need to use proper calculations of comparing investments, including the “Time value of money” (taking in account interest on the money).
If you do that you will find that you will NEVER EVER break even.
But you will save the Earth and that what’s counts in Bidenomics!
BTW, most gas heaters are inside the building, so at least part of the “wasted” energy is used to heat your house anyway.