It’s not true that men only want one thing, in fact, that’s a lie that defames men and I hear it all the time.
But is is true that men do want that thing, and they want it a lot, and they will lie, cheat, and occasionally use force to get it - and interacting socially with men and not being aware of that can cause a lot of trouble.
“It’s not true that men only want one thing, in fact, that’s a lie that defames men and I hear it all the time.”
It’s not that men only want one thing. It’s that some women only have one thing to offer that makes them tolerable to be around.
God programmed men to be that way.
It was his first verbal commandment to mankind... multiply and replenish... its not lust, it is obedience to the biological imperative...
and from the beginning women chafed at that command.
Its the command... before the commandments. and if the woman walks away the biological imperative is still there, in the male dna.