wonder what they would find if they checked out the mangrove swamp known as washington dc...
I mean it could be, or maybe it is the fungi as they have been waging war against the felines for Eons.
For example back the Exodus days, a long time like 13-1400 years before the Jesus time
anyway the Felines were respected as the gods they are and Egypt prospered, or at least until the Moses guy was infected by the sentient hive mind who loved the darkness, Fun-gui.
there was a huge bloody fight between the Pyramid Corp and the workers Moses tried to free from the meager wheat fed his people by the Pyramid corp by supplementing them with the איפה which was part of the body of the god he served.
he was even able to use this to allow the long journey while sustaining his people and wandering for years before getting to the land of honey somethings.