All labels that fit those who would hold Free Republic hostage to their OWN prejudices and biases while taking full advantage of the many resources gathered here in one convenient place without it costing them a thin dime and advocating other like-minded zealots do the same. Is the Religion Forum the ONLY place you read threads? Is someone pointing a gun at your head forcing you to read those dreaded OPEN ones? It IS to laugh!
Why don't you just stick to the Catholic Caucus threads or, here's a better idea, flee to the numerous Catholic-centric websites out there where REAL biases exist and support them? That way your hypersensitive "feelings" will never be at risk of hearing the thoughts of others NOT enthralled by the cult of Rome. And, if one "side" praises the job the Moderator does while the other whines and complains of unfair treatment, more than likely it is because the non-whiner side has learned to obey the rules about "making it personal" - something the whiner clique never seems to get. It's hard to imagine that they never recognize their OWN deposits into the "cesspool" they bemoan, but that's how it goes. Spiritual blindness is rarely recognized by the blinded.
Your posts simply prove my point. Your post is a textbook example of why the RF needs to be shut down and why Catholics should refuse to contribute until posting behavior like yours is properly moderated or the RF is eliminated. I prefer the latter.
Don’t hold back.
Tell us how you really feel.