Story doesn't agree with you, Bayard doesn't agree with you, Madison doesn't agree with you, and the rest of your "authorities" are not significant enough to look up and find out whether they agree with you or not.
RAWLE, agrees with you, but i've figured out the cause of his deluded and deliberate misdirection.
You know who DOESN'T Agree with you?
Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay, John Armstrong, James Madison, James Monroe, Daniel Webster, George Washington, Bushrod Washington, William Lewis, James Wilson, John Marshall, Two US Supreme Courts, the ENTIRE Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, and a whole host of other authorities that make your pathetic "Authorities" look like step and fetch it water boys.
Once more, the "team" behind you is a bunch of Straw men.
Behold everyone! Jeff's "Authorities"!
Yeah, Jeff's got an entire army of "scare crow" "authorities." It's okay though, he puts words in their mouths and claims that they agree with him.
Jim, I am wondering how long we here at FreeRepublic have to continue to put up with the abuse of this poster.
Vattel is so lucky that someone like you has chosen to introduce his eighteenth century foreign theories to twenty first century Americans. Where would we be without you and your subtle analysis?
Thank you, Jeff Winston, for acquainting me with William Rawle:
"Therefore every person born within the United States, its territories or districts, whether the parents are citizens or aliens, is a natural born citizen in the sense of the Constitution, and entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining to that capacity." - William Rawle
William Rawle was an American legal scholar who wrote about our Constitution. Vattel had been dead for twenty years before our Constitution was even drafted, so he probably gave it very little thought. He had never even heard of the United States of America. Our first president, George Washington, appointed Rawle to provide legal representation for the United States of America in Pennsylvania. Washington thought so highly of Rawle that he wanted Rawle to serve as his Attorney General for the United States.
If Rawle couldn't be persuaded to accept this foreign theory you peddle (i.e., that a "natural born citizen" can only be born to two citizen parents), how can you possibly expect Americans to surrender to and be burdened by that foreign theory? What's wrong with an American answer to an American question?