You are an idiot. For the twentieth time, I direct your attention to the case of Aldo Mario Bellei. He shares the EXACT same circumstances of birth as does Ted Cruz, and the Supreme court STRIPPED him of his citizenship.
If you had two functioning brain cells to rub together, you would realize that the name "Bellei" ought to strike terror into any potential candidacy by Cruz. It's Precedent, it applies to Cruz, and it blows your silly argument to smithereens.
I doubt Cruz can persuade enough voters to overlook his eligibility issues, regardless of what you talking ventriloquist dummies prattle on about. People instinctively know that born in a foreign country is pretty much a deal killer for the Presidency.
Why? Because sh*theads like you have been repeating it endlessly for the last five years!
The Court said that not only was it within the Constitutional power of Congress to declare which persons born abroad were citizens at or by birth, it was also within their authority to set a US residency condition for them to maintain their citizenship.
That doesn't say they weren't "natural born citizens" to start with.
Congress also passed a law saying that women born here in the United States to two US citizen parents - what you claim is the very definition of "natural born citizen" could be stripped of their natural born citizenship by marrying a foreigner. And the Supreme Court upheld THAT.
They didn't even have to leave the country, even once, to be stripped of their NATURAL BORN US CITIZENSHIP.
And the Supreme Court upheld the law.
So once again, you're just spinning bullshit.
But you knew that already.