Cruz - just another politician in it for himself.
No. He is not eligible.
But that’s a nice, narcissistic response he gave worthy of Obama.
He wants something so screw the Constitution. He’ll stab us in the back just as fast as Rubio/Obama.
Rules are for other people. That’s the warning sign.
Selfish ####.
His statement also shows his arrogance and ignorance.
He just wants his turn to piss on the Constitution because he certainly doesn’t respect it.
I disagree with William Safire that the Constitution is flawed. In fact, everyone who wants these ineligible candidates is SCREAMING THAT THE CONSTITUTION IS FLAWED. It’s not. Just a bunch of whiners who can’t get their way without cheating. But in the article below he rightly points out that it was clear back in 1987 that certain people were not eligible EVEN though they were American citizens.
ESSAY; The Constitution’s Flaw
By William Safire
Published: September 06, 1987
That means Minnesota Senator Rudy Boschwitz is blocked from advancement because he was born in Berlin, and Connecticut’s Senator Lowell Weicker because he was born (of American parents) in Paris. New Hampshire Governor John Sununu, whose U.S. parents were in Havana when he was born, and Vermont’s Governor Madeleine Kunin, born in Zurich and naturalized 40 years ago, can forget about higher office.
Other citizens distinguished in their fields silently bridle at their political limitation. The economist and former Ambassador John Kenneth Galbraith is out as a potential President because he’s from Canada; Henry Kissinger, under whom two U.S.
My newly-retired colleague, James Reston, could never entertain secret dreams of power because he was born in Scotland, and my new Op-Ed Page colleague, A. M. Rosenthal, cannot occupy Lincoln’s bedroom because he came from Canada. (My other columnist sidekicks and I are constitutionally clean but do not expect lightning to strike.)
"(My other columnist sidekicks and I are constitutionally clean but do not expect lightning to strike.)
It's ACKNOWLEDGEMENT that the NBC is a legitimate legal standard. It's acknowledgement that it is discriminates (rightly so) and how they don't like it. Being constitutionally clean - a natural born citizen - is some slur to them but a legitimately legal one.
See the constitution is flawed according to them. At least back then they had the balls to be up front about it. Now they lie, cheat, steal and plain old ignore laws they don't like.
Why don't all the after-birther's just have the balls to say the Constitution is flawed? They won't because it show's their TRUE position. They are nothing but leftists in hiding. They want to act like their was no understanding before 2008. How else are they going to get their free s###.
He even wanted to be part of a LEGAL way of changing it through a Constitutional Convention. Another indication that of the understanding legitimacy of the NBC's existence as a discriminatory requirement that separated American citizenship.
Fancy that, a LEGAL approach. How archaic. Of course, ALL legal approaches have failed that's why they are now stealing it.
Not one after-birther has a right to complain about ANYTHING. They are enabler's of the lawless left. They are as clueless as those morons who can't figure out why they now have no more health insurance and are working two part time jobs.
It ALL TIES together. You weaken the foundation and s### starts to fall.