I have been given a binary choice, I did not choose this choice, it was selected by others for me in primary states long before I had any chance to vote.
Logic dictates that I choose a chance no matter how small over no chance.
Obama must go, or nothing else will matter later.
Nah. Nothing to worry about. He'll have four more years and then we can get a real Conservative in the White House. /sarc
Obama Signs Bill Exempting Presidential Appointees from Senate Confirmation
President Barack Obama signed a bill Friday evening that would exempt some senior-level presidential appointees from Senate confirmation.Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer and cosponsored by Republicans and Democrats, the bill, now law, weakens the power of the legislature and strengthens the executive branch, critics have warned. The bill skated through the Senate three months after being introduced in 2011 and was passed by the Republican-controlled House 261-116 in July.
The law now allows Obama and future presidents to name appointees to senior positions in every branch of the administration, from the Department of the Treasury to the Department of Homeland Security.