Thank you, most sincerely. You are (literally; I mean this) the absolute FIRST Romney supporter to offer me that simple, straightforward concession.
I will be voting against Obama.
As will I... and against Romney, as well.
Seriously, antceecee: Seattle hasn't gone "red" in any nationwide balloting since (IIRC) Ronald Wilson Reagan. My vote means precisely jack squat. Honest. ;)
I am not really a Romney supporter... can’t stand the guy... I am an any reasonable body but Obama supporter and it looks like that “body” is the used car salesman... Romney. Seriously, I won’t have a business, a home or any comfort if Obama gets in for another term. Some here can wait it out, I cannot.
I must not have posted to you for I always respect everyone’s right to vote their conscience..
We may disagree but of course one has a right to their opinion, too.
Funny that about Seattle going RED... Cali has not since Bob Dornan was ushered out of office with the crooked Loretta Sanchez election in the mid ‘90’s. We don’t have a prayer’s chance in hell of taking California, but I cannot in good conscience give that POS in the Whitehouse any ground by sitting out my vote or not voting for the opponent most likely to unseat this vile enemy of liberty and freedom.