This is the maiden ping of the Brand New Zero’s* Background Ping list. Due to computer problems I haven’t yet used the very nice logo someone made, so the bells and whistles will have to wait.
This thread (and of course many others) contain a stream of information researched by dedicated people who not only want to find the truth, but let the light shine on it. There is no one comment or place to read the whole story, but if you start here (could go back more if you want), and read until the end of the thread, you’ll read info you have not seen before, some of which may clear up confusion or fill in holes:
Any questions you may have (and please ask, there are many answers), direct to Fred Nerks or Brown Deer. The more people ask, the more info may be forthcoming. But it’s important to read first and get a feel for the story. The basics are the the purported parents of the man illegaly using the name Barack Hussein Obama are not his real parents; and it is pretty clear who the real parents are.
So, in order to get a clear undesrtanding of his background, it is important that the reserarchers prove how the purported paretns could not have been, and were not, involved in his birth, and this info is also on other threads.
I am 100% certain that the topic of “Who the he!! is he???” is going to be asked more and more, as the myriad crimes and treason actuated by this administration are made public, up to and including his false birth certificates and SS card. Why forge documents if they’re factual? is a question people should ask themsevles.
*AKA Barack Hussein Obama
PS - feel free to skip over any disruptor comments. They add nothing to the content of this thread.
YIKES! Now you’ve really gone and done it...and I thought we decided it was all a waste of time. Well, let’s see if anyone bothers to go back through the material...somehow I doubt it, but thanks anyway.