Maybe, but mitt and obama's supporters are queers and baby killers. I'd rather drink the kool aid and get it over with than bend over and repeatedly take it up the arse to die a slow, lingering death from AIDs.
Fortunately there a non-of-the-above choice that will ensure a strong national defense, a strong economy, a dismantling of the police state, and you won't have to live with the shame of having been violated in the hinders by either mitt or the fraud.
Go tell on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go tell it on the mountain Jesus Christ was born!
Those He set's free shall be free indeed
As a divine instrument of His strong hand, we thirst and hunger for righteousness in a land of plenty.
2Corinthians 7:14 If my people called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, repent of their sins and seek my face . I shall hear and turn and heal their land.
-a king forever in the Kingdom of God!
We have no more vital interests than those of the American people! Their is no such thing as extremism in the defense of liberty
We dont need foreign entanglements, we have enough gas & Oil to be energy self sufficient. Neither Zero, or Mittens have the balls to oppose the Progressive energy policies, radical environmental groups and entrenched legions of Government employees who are blessed and bribed by the Washington DC old guard. Neither man will put a stop to the theft of our inalienable rights. We have to pick the right candidate at our convention.