At least he understands how to run a business.
Maybe, maybe not, but he sure knows how to run a State into the ground and violate our rights as free people.
Nobody in their right mind would defend Romneycare, so I am not going to do that. I just think Romney falls closer ideologically to W and H.W. than Obama. In short, we have a better chance getting an Alito or Roberts with Romney...we have zero chance with Obama.
It is what it is. If Romney loses, you, me and everyone else needs to work like hell to get a conservative nominated for 2016. If Romney wins, you, me and everyone else needs to hold his feet to the conservative fire the best we can...maybe we can replace a Harriet Myers with a Samuel Alito again. It’s the only shot we have.
“we have a better chance getting an Alito or Roberts with Romney”
Have you looked at his judicial picks as Governor? My understanding was that he picked extreme left-wing liberals.