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To: central_va
Once a state declares it independence, it becomes sovereign, the population of the remaining states become foreigners, "those people". If "those people" choose to take up arms, they become the enemy.

If they were two different countries why then should y'all always be complaining about Sherman when your heroes were willing for a foreign ally to do the same to the Union states?

1,267 posted on 09/04/2010 5:40:29 PM PDT by Colonel Kangaroo
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To: Colonel Kangaroo
If they were two different countries why then should y'all always be complaining about Sherman when your heroes were willing for a foreign ally to do the same to the Union states?

Are you kidding me, Colonel? In the course of all our debates... I've drawn the conclusion. You're the kind of person that always wears his T-shirts inside out.

1,273 posted on 09/04/2010 6:19:36 PM PDT by Idabilly ("When injustice becomes law....Resistance becomes DUTY !")
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To: Colonel Kangaroo
Camp near Chambersburg Franklin County, Pennsylvania

(June the 30th, 1863 1

My Dear Cousin) 2

I write you a few lines this morning which will inform you that my self & brother are both well and getting on fine. And I much hope this may reach you in due time and find you all enjoying the best of health and all other blessings. I have no news of importance to write. We have been near Chambersburg for several days. And I reckonwe will stay several days longer. We have quite a nice time since we have been in Pennsylvania. In the way of something to eat we can get plenty of milk & butter and apple butter that is very good.

[Page 2]

The citizens in this country all seem to be afraid of us they treat us very kind though. I believe it is done through fear. The most of our Virginia boys treat them verykind though there is some of our extreme southern troops has treated the people badly. I am sorry they do so. It is against General Lee's orders to interrupt private property. This is a very flourishing looking Country the crops all look fine.

It has never felt the effect of the war, though I guess if we stay here long it will feel the effect of it. Our quartermasters & commissaries has gotten a great many necessities for our army since we have been in this state.

[Page 3]

There is but very few people that charge us any thing for milk or butter. I believe that had as lief give us such things as to take our money, and they are afraid to refuse us while they have such things.

The people in this Country are very much split up about the war. They don't unite like our people do. I don't think this war can last much longer if it does I believe the North will have war with itself. The Democrats say they will not take sides with the abolitionists. They say we are fighting for our rights and the abolitionist are fighting for money, and I believe the Democrats will raise against them if the war last much longer.

[Page 4]

I am staying at a private house guarding the man & property. He boards me free while I stay with him. I am fairing finely. I believe I have written enough for the present unless it was better than what it is. So I will close, you must write to me soon and gave me all news the last letter I got was dated the 13th instant 3 if you don't hear from us again soon you may not be uneasy for it is very doubtful about our mail passing again soon. Nothing more but give my love to all the family and share a large portion for yourself.

I remain as ever your friend and Cousin,

Jimmie Booker

1,280 posted on 09/05/2010 5:02:47 AM PDT by central_va (I won't be reconstructed, and I do not give a damn.)
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