” So do I. All I want to know is how a forgery of any kind fits into anything in that statement. WHY make it a forgery? Why go after a forgery when we already know it is a fraud? That is all I am saying “
Fair enough.
I’ll tell you what I think
1) Obama is guilty of credit fraud(both state & federal)
2) Credit identity theft(college)
3) Student loan fraud.
4) Not a U.S. citizen.
That is why we can’t get his paperwork for anything.
I could be wrong, but I have spent a lot of time researching this traitor, and the above is my logical conclusion.
I will add that I also believe he gave false infornation to the HI DOH to procure this COLB. That is why I keep bringing up the statute of limitations. When we go off on IRRELEVANT goose chases, it does anyone who is genuinely trying to get the truth a terrible disservice...and the clock keeps ticking.
That is ALSO why I have not pinged a whole freaking army to confront this “forgery” scam. I have tried to keep this between me and polarik. He has chosen differently.
LOGIC, in this case, seems to have fallen by the wayside.