...There it became glaringly obvious to me that the text is simply superimposed over an image of a folded piece of paper.
Don't just look at the typed text, look at the lines (in the Bomford image.) For example, look at the horizontal line above the "1953" that follows "Years of Present Marriage." Do you see what happens to that line as it crosses the two creases? Absolutely nothing. It is a solid perfectly straight line right through the crease.
I tried your negative image trick, and it works, but it is not necessary. Just magnify the image until each letter is about an inch tall on your monitor, the pay attention to the lines. The effect you describe is perfectly obvious.
Yes, the lines are a big problem as well.
lol, I see you caught on... The negative DOES show things you can’t normally see... notice, like I said prior, the ‘arrangement’ of all of the ‘boxes’... ESPECIALLY on the left side.. It appears that each one of those was cut out, piece by piece, and positioned (transparent overlay; flat) onto the paper, kind of like a puzzle.