It was a one page document with the items “written in.” I think it actually used the same form.
Then someone posted the Kenyan birth certficate with Prince Charles.
I mean, the Obama Kenyan BC should be easy to disprove if it’s a fake.
I just want to know where it came from.
Sending it to the Taitz anon makes sense, but who sent it to her, and why to her? Why not release it to the Enquirer.
ONe thing for sure...if this hits the tabloids then Katie bar the door, because all hell’s breaking loose.
It was not the same form. And it was not a forgery, it was nothing more than a joke. A forgery has to have at least some chance of being taken seriously.
The background, made to look like alter-proof paper, said over and over again, in Dutch, something like "This is not a government document. It is meant for amusement only. Obama is your President for another three and a half years. Get used to it"
No one can call this a forgery. It is merely a satire.
Taitz and Hale are both defendants in a lawsuit filed by Phil Berg.