I think the assumptions that were made were that it was, back in 1964, created because of the divorce case. It was requested by Obama’s mom’s lawyer because the lawyer assumed that there was a possibility that Obama’s dad might contest the divorce. As it turned out, Obama’s dad didn’t contest the divorce.
Anyway, to be safe, Obama’s mom’s lawyer requested the document. He probably opened it up, looked at it and put it back in the envelope. He probably put the envelope in a folder, the folder in an expanding folder (maybe?) and the folder in a file cabinet. After a while, the old files were placed in a box and put in storage, somewhere else, where they sat for many years.
How they were found? More difficult. Someone looking for Obama documents found out who the lawyer was for Obama’s mom, and guessed that firm would still have old files somewhere. They went to the warehouse and looked through the boxes of files and found the doc.
Maybe something like that.
Maybe some guys in a law office were sitting around chatting about politics when the subject came up about birthers. And then one of the older guys in the firm recalled something about a Dunham case way back in the day.
I think it’s very possible that the case was forgotten at the law firm for years. It’s very possible that no one who worked at the firm in 1964 is working at the law firm now in 2009. But the files don’t necessarily disappear.
at least one of the attorneys is still active...I wont post the name....
Sheesh, this whole issue has gone into Fantasyland. Are there any cartoons with this movie? Oy, it's giving me schpilkis.