T'wit, if you're a Christian/Jew/other, he should be forgiven and you should ask the Admin to reinstate his account. I'm not sure he'd come back, but forgiveness is an obligation if you are going to debate on the evo/creo threads.
I did not name myself "twit."
>> ...should even count as an offense.
So when Jim Robinson says "no profanity," he really doesn't mean it? Or, it's OK when it's directed against me?
As a Christian, I did forgive him (not that that is anyone's business but mine). I did more than that. RA wrote one last note to me, saying he knew I was trying to get him banned. That was false, but I thought I heard sadness or regret in his note. I pondered it and posted a reply offering to intercede with Jim Robinson if he were willing to rededicate himself to FR. RA did not respond -- which is not much of a surprise, especially given all we've heard since. But I had to try.
Membership in Free Republic is a privilege. I have no sympathy for those who come here for any purpose other than supporting the conservative cause as Jim Robinson defines it. RA neither supports it nor is willing to follow its simple rules of courtesy and good manners. He does not belong here.