Hey. I have been on Levaquin since last Friday. Am glad to be on it since I think it is keeping this thing from going into pneumonia maybe. And my cough is better - but I attribute that to the mucinex., I also had bad sneezing and runny nose - that was AFTER the cough and AFTER the difficulty breathing. A pharmacist told me to take the non drowsy allergy relief stuff during the day and the antihistamine kind at night - so I've done that. The sneezing stuff has stopped. The cough is better but when I do cough it hurts my insides like crazy! The doctor did a breathing "test" on me at the office and then did a "breathing" treatment - twice. He said it helped me - but I couldn't tell any difference. Then he gave me the advair and the presnisone to take. I just started the prednisone yesterday so maybe that will really help - I just need it to work longer.
I'll look into getting the acidolphilus at Whole Foods tomorrow - thanks for that suggestion!