He even waivered on the Harriet Myers nomination. Just think if it hadn't of been for conservative outrage we wouldn't have Alito in there. I hate to poke a man when hes down. I believe he has good intentions. His vision was wide on the war but narrow in extolling the conservative heart of the party. 6 years in it has become obvious. There will be miserable days ahead. I guess I will get a hobby.
Yes and I'm sad to see it like that. I had such high hopes for his Presidency. But he had a part in ending the GOP Majority also. Him and weak leadership in the Congress since DeLay was run off for a non-crime, and voters who didn't think RINOs were less bad then liberal Democrats. I disagree with ALL of them. There's a lot of rebuilding to do. Maybe in a couple years the real conservative movement can take back the Congress like in 94. Bush will have a brutally rough two years now. It will be really ugly.