well hotshot what do you propose to do about it? You cannot overrule an election - yopu're acting like a democrat stamping, whining and crying.
you (we) took one on the chin. the adults among us know that we can never win them all, and are mature enough to accept it when we don't with a certain amount of grace.
you name calling and infighting isn't helping anyone, least of all yourself.
yes, I said and I mean: grow up.
Oh get lost. I'm not whining and crying I'm angry and saying what needs to be said. It just happened last night for God's sake! What's your problem? It's not like it happened a week ago! Grow up and moderate your own behavior and quit trying to moderate other people's. I'm speaking my mind and under the FR terms of service I can do that. I'm not cussing or attacking someone personally, and in case you didn't notice, most people here agree with me. If you can't disagree respectfully, then be silent. I had my rant and vented what I needed to vent at 4 in the morning, and vented to generalities, no one specific. If that botherse you then you have "issues" that you need to deal with. But not on my time.