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To: metmom
If those things are adequate evidence for scientists, the the written testimony of people who lived with Jesus and talked to Him is adequate to use as hard evidence that He lived and died and is everything He said He was, so when He said that God created the heavens and the earth, it has all the weight of the scientific peer reviewed research papers that scientists put their faith in.

Absolutely unbelievable, no, written testimony is not the same as scientifically peer reviewed papers.

Any scientist, anywhere, can take those papers, and experiments, and repeat them, again, again, and again, and if those experiments or papers are true, the scientist will come up with the same result, over, and over and over again.

Quite a big difference, between a peer reviewed scientific paper, and the bible. A peer reviewed paper can be verified, you can literally verify it yourself, if you have the equipment.

you have to take on faith, the bible and what it says. It is impossible to verify it, in any way, shape, or form.

950 posted on 09/26/2006 8:41:07 AM PDT by Jaguarbhzrd
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To: Jaguarbhzrd

You can't verify something that happened before you could verify it too. It's the infamous time-dilation factor at work.

954 posted on 09/26/2006 8:56:52 AM PDT by muawiyah
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