Yes, it helps if you actually use science to disprove science.
Therefore, yes, being selective is an excellent way to skip the rubbish and get right down to the real nitty gritty, which is this, science must be used to disprove science, and so far I have yet to see any from the creationist side.
I see a lot of, because I believe, or there is a creationist that says this, or there is an Id'r that says that. It doesn't work.
If you have actual scientific evidence to disprove evolution, trot it on out there, you might win the nobel prize.
Evos trot out a lie as truth and when truth is presented it is denied as being false because their scientists (who back up the lie) won't disprove their findings. Actually, their assumptions.
It is unbelievable that evos want creos to utilize their false data to disprove their original lie in order to be considered legit. Of course, if the case was ever made that the lie was exposed by utilizing the evos data the claim would go out that the data was from an insane scientist.