From a quick read it looks pretty shady to me.
Especially interesting is SCOTUS' refusal to incorporate the 2nd, 5th, 6th and 7th.
In any case... it doesn't alter the 1st, it just applies the free exercise clause to the states, the same as it does the feds.
No one's had the balls to take a 2nd Amend case to the SCOTUS, as the court's been political. MOLON LABE applies anyway, no matter what they think.
The 5th and 6th's been there. In particular I remember legal representation is required at trial. States used to try and convict people w/o representation until the early '60s. the test case regarded a FL prosecution.
"In any case... it doesn't alter the 1st, it just applies the free exercise clause to the states, the same as it does the feds."
It applies the no establishment clause also and extends it to all jurisdictions, including school districts.