To: Quark2005; .30Carbine
"It makes perfect sense that Satan would use the scientifically bankrupt concepts of Creation Science and Intelligent Design, backed by Bible verses, to drive sensible people away from Christianity."
It makes perfect sense that God would put little, tiny problems in the world for the materialist, the observed law of Biogenesis and the laws of probability. Maybe it is ironic that God designed the very smallest, simplest life to be one of the biggest traps for the materialist.
The evolutionist may try to open escape hatch of "given enough time surely anything can happen", or "'science doesn't understand all of the process' or 'there is much we don't know in this area'". Perhaps the escape hatches won't open. Given a huge amount of time, it is still highly improbable. If the natural processes existed to create life from non-life, wouldn't science observe the effects of those processes? Maybe the materialist is trapped between believing something that is highly improbable, escape hatches that won't open, or believing in an Intelligent Designer, i.e. God.
Maybe God had a sense of humor when he designed the very smallest, simplest life to be one of the biggest traps for the materialist.
Maybe this is what actually makes perfect sense and will enable 'sensible people' with hard hearts to turn to God:
"For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualitieshis eternal power and divine naturehave been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
To: FreedomProtector
Maybe this is what actually makes perfect sense and will enable 'sensible people' with hard hearts to turn to God: No, not really. Sensible people with a good handle on the scientific evidence realize that the evidence is clear that the evolution of life on earth occurred over the last 3+ billion years. We don't have a clear understanding of how it all happened, but looking at the evidence, there is no other conclusion a sensible person can come to than that the earth is much older than a literal reading of the Bible allows for and that life has evolved and developed dramatically since it first appeared on earth billions of years ago.
Sensible people do not ignore all the evidence gathered since 1350 or try to filter it through a medieval mindset to reach the conclusion they desire; they see it for what it is and then learn to deal with it. The science is quite simply not on the side of a literal Biblical interpretation, and has not been for several hundred years. If people can't deal with that, it's not a problem with the science, it's their own personal problem.
1,361 posted on
09/28/2006 8:30:00 AM PDT by
("Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs." -Matthew 7:6)
To: FreedomProtector
Maybe it is ironic that God designed the very smallest, simplest life to be one of the biggest traps for the materialist. . . . Maybe God had a sense of humor when he designed the very smallest, simplest life to be one of the biggest traps for the materialist. So you believe that God lays traps to catch and destroy the little critters that He created?
I shouldn't be surprised, I suppose. The concept of God as an exceedingly bored sadist engaged in a circular game of "create the little critter, trick the little critter, and destroy the little critter" seems to be fairly commonplace amongst creationists.
1,362 posted on
09/28/2006 8:46:00 AM PDT by
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