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To: editor-surveyor

Having read of number of your posts, regarding your belief in the ineffectiveness and complete uselessness of modern medicine, I would say that the same thing would apply to your posts..people can read, and when they do, you may wind up not looking good at all...

I think this would be a great poll FR..lets ask everyone if when they or a member of their family become ill, do they actually go to a medical doctor, actually get a prescription for medical drugs and actually trust that modern medicine will do its job, and retore a person to health?...or do they reject modern medical doctors and modern medical drugs in favor of your method(whatever that is)?...

1,270 posted on 09/27/2006 2:14:33 PM PDT by andysandmikesmom
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To: andysandmikesmom; editor-surveyor
Having read of number of your posts, regarding your belief in the ineffectiveness and complete uselessness of modern medicine..

What? I don't recall anyone on this thread making that statement. Just because some of us don't believe we evolved from some single celled organism doesn't mean we think medicine is ineffective and useless. That is quite an exaggeration.

1,278 posted on 09/27/2006 4:48:51 PM PDT by jerri
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To: andysandmikesmom
"lets ask everyone if when they or a member of their family become ill, do they actually go to a medical doctor, actually get a prescription for medical drugs and actually trust that modern medicine will do its job, and retore a person to health?"

You may be onto something here, but let's just ask "Do the drugs that your doctor gives you cure your illness, or do you have to keep going back to get a useless prescription refilled time after time after time?"

And let's ask "Has anyone in your family gone to the doctor for an extended period of time and then ended up dying prematurely anyway?"

And let's ask "Do you care? If there is a better way, 'a more excellant way,' a way that doesn't shorten your life and leave you with debilitating side effects, would you prefer that way?"

"...or do they reject modern medical doctors and modern medical drugs in favor of your method(whatever that is)?..."

Sorry to disappoint you, but my way is eat real food, all the foods that the Lord intended for us to eat, and don't get sick in the first place. - And guess what? It works. If you don't eat pasta, bleached white bread, gobs of mashed potatoes, white rice, candy, and sodas, diet or regular, and don't cook your food in omega 6 oils, you won't waste your money on doctor bills, and you won't waste your time in bed.

1,287 posted on 09/27/2006 7:09:45 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (Atheist and Fool are synonyms; Evolution is where fools hide from the sunrise)
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