To: FreedomProtector
While FreedomProtector may be heroic in an unlikely time, FreedomProtector obviously does not have the power to change a heart... Just curious. Do you wear colorful tights and a cape while posting?
1,236 posted on
09/27/2006 11:05:36 AM PDT by
To: atlaw; .30Carbine; betty boop; editor-surveyor; Alamo-Girl; hosepipe; DaveLoneRanger
One will never know where Freedom Protector is....
on a plane, in a house, in a courtroom, in a hospital, in a university office, in a research and development complex, in a recording studio, in a concert hall, or in a Starbucks....
One will never know what FreedomProtector wears....
pants, shorts, colorful tights, bell bottoms or flannel pajamas; cape or no cape; boots, cross trainers or sandals; boxers or briefs....
But one can know the posture of FreedomProtector...
on his knees praying that God will change your heart and mind which is "hostile toward God", and that eventually you "will know the truth and the truth will set you free." ...that you will know the truth of the greatest Hero ever to live. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson