To: editor-surveyor
The battle to defeat the Gospel of Jesus Christ, of which the evo war is a part, continues until his triumphal return.
You're either with him, or you are irrelevant. Amazing.
Opposing the teaching of creationism in science class makes one an enemy of the Lord.
This is just the sort of extremism that will drive people away from the conservative moment.
1,234 posted on
09/27/2006 10:09:22 AM PDT by
Liberal Classic
(No better friend, no worse enemy. Semper Fi.)
To: Liberal Classic
1,235 posted on
09/27/2006 10:23:34 AM PDT by
(Ignorance is never better than knowledge. - Enrico Fermi)
To: Liberal Classic
Opposing the teaching of creationism in science class makes one an enemy of the Lord." More accurately, the teaching of the lie, in or out of any class.
1,254 posted on
09/27/2006 1:08:43 PM PDT by
(Atheist and Fool are synonyms; Evolution is where fools hide from the sunrise) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson