I injected a random character "a" which was not detected as an "unfit" by the carefully designed spelling checker fitness algorithm.
Instead of generating another random character I will insert a carefully designed letter "h" to design a meaningful sentence.
Evolution doesn't discuss the origin of life, and I'm not aware of any alternative to evolution to explain the diversity of life, other than "insert miracle here."
If you have an alternate theory that is supported by evidence, feel free to present it, and free to discuss how it predicts evidence and data better than evolution.
You might discuss how it handles impending fossil finds better than evolution, or how it predicts the placement of ERVs better than evolution.
Just to poke . . . well . . .
alternatives . . . for a bit . . . or just to be ornery or something . . .
All the ET races I've read much about insist that ET's seeded life on earth and then modified it genetically at different periods throughout past eons.
I believe this is a well prepared hoax over many millenia. But that's my belief about it.
What I expect is that the EVO's will jump on the band wagon of such ET's along with their puppet master collaborators in behalf of the global government in order to trash Christianity and all other religions toward establishment of one world religion.
Discrimminating reason and good scientific judgment will largely fly out the window. The rush to support of such notions will be wholesale and greatly trumpetted in the MSM. Those who disagree or are hesitant will be labeled traditional idiots and eventually sidelined from teaching options and eventually driven out of the publilc square. Eventually, they'll be rounded up.
Consider the above paragraph to be whatever level of luncacy helps one feel comfortable. However, it will now be lodged in most readers' brains . . . and will be vividly called to mind when such events occur.
I pray that wise decisions are made at THAT point . . . toward eternal life . . . even at the sacrifice of this more finite form of life.