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To: imaketypos

I believe it would be beneficial to have some quotes taken from interviews Beth, Dave, and others did, just to refresh our memories.
I am going to attempt to post quotes from an interview each day, as time permits.
These quotes are from an interview on

7-01-2005 Scarborough Country


BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, MOTHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Natalee deserves to return to her country. She deserves it. And everyone knows it, Martin. Every single person, every single person knows that.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, NBC CORRESPONDENT: Well, you're right, Joe. There are a lot of things going on.

Let's talk about Senator Richard Shelby and the letter that he wrote to Condoleezza Rice. As you may remember, he's demanding that FBI have a more active role in the investigation down here. He wants the secretary of state to make that quite plain to the Aruban government. The response from the Aruban government is to say, look, if the U.S. wants to send 100 FBI agents additionally down here, they are welcome to do so, as long as they are assisting in the investigation.

If the senator wants the FBI to take over the investigation, that's a different matter. And, no, the Aruban government would not allow that to happen.

SAVIDGE: They looked at an area around the airport, but did not find anything. And then you have the Dutch government announcing late this afternoon, it is sending three F-16 fighter aircraft, it says, to assist in the search for Natalee Holloway. It's not clear how high-performance military aircraft would help, but they should be here probably on Monday.

SAVIDGE: I sat down and talked to Beth Twitty and George Twitty. That is Natalee Holloway's mom and stepfather. And the first thing we started talking about was this letter from Richard Shelby, the senator, as to how they think this pressure could help.

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: You know, Martin, I think it's just a prime example of showing that not only the frustrations that Natalee's family has had in dealing with this situation, but the frustrations that they are beginning to feel now in the United States. You know, now they are—after a month, they are seeing and experiencing the same frustrations that we have been experiencing since May 31.

GEORGE TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: Senator Shelby is pushing this and the United States is pushing this. And they want to send in more people. And he basically said, you can send in 100 in here if you want to. They are welcome in here tomorrow. But they can't do anymore than they have already done.

So, I mean, it's almost like a slap in the face. To me, it's like they are not trying to help us. It's like they don't want our assistance, you know, so...

SAVIDGE: But what would you like to see them do specifically?


TWITTY: I would like to see somebody come in here and get involved in the investigation and—and go back and maybe try to sort out some of the things that have happened, like, the first six or seven days that passed before they even arrested the guys, because there's a lot of stuff in there that's very important.

SAVIDGE: And there is grumbling coming from the states of perhaps ineptness on the part of investigators here and even something more, of perhaps a cover-up. Do you sense that? Do you feel that?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Martin, on June 11, I have it documented in a journal that I've been keeping, that I specifically asked, could a cover-up be involved?

And when you think—when you think back on it now, I must have been

· I must have been on to something and was on to something even earlier than that, but was able to document it in a journal on June 11. And now, when I think of June 29 and I'm hearing the judge saying that, if there's no body, then there's no evidence, you know, what was transpiring during those initial nine days, Martin? What was transpiring?

Who was helping who? Who was coaching who? Who was covering their tracks? You know, it can only now just raise just huge frustration and anger in me now, when I look back on it. And you know what will be even further, to me, damning is when we find out how well—OK. We've got a 17-year-old male sitting in jail.

How—how supported and well-connected is he? It branches out from the three individuals are tied—they are woven into such a tight braid. We've got the father. Now, how much farther does it go from there, Martin? How much more of a net of involvement is going on with this group of individuals? That's what my gut feeling is telling me, that it is far more reaching than just this father and these three individuals.

Now, they had to have additional help, if he's already discussing disposing—or no body? No body is recovered, there will be no evidence? I mean, you know, who all was involved in that?

SAVIDGE: Are you worried about Monday, Monday, the hearing?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh, absolutely.

TWITTY: Absolutely.

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I'm sick. And I will be physically sick for the next three days, because those three individuals, like I said, it's like three cords woven so tightly together in this.

They—I will be—I will be sick. And, Martin, the things that we have been through during this ordeal would shock and amaze Americans.

SAVIDGE: What is your fear? What is your nightmare, Beth...


HOLLOWAY TWITTY: My worst nightmare, that these individuals will be let—will walk and we will still not have any answers.

SAVIDGE: You think that is a possibility?

TWITTY: It's a possibility.

And that scares me, too, because these three kids are predators. If they let them walk on this island after what Beth and I know, there's a lot of information that we have that we cannot share, because it would jeopardize the investigation. But if they let them walk, we can share it. And it would be devastating.

The United States, the world will be amazed.

SAVIDGE: Do you still believe she's alive?

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: You know, Martin, I always have my hope that she is.

I always have my hope.

But there it goes right there. We have to demand and expect that we will get her. That is not an option. Natalee deserves to return to her country. She deserves it. And everyone knows it, Martin. Every single person, every single person knows that.

SAVIDGE: You know, Joe, as you listen to that interview, especially at the end there, you see the great strength that—that Beth Twitty has. And yet, at the same time, you see the fragility of it, as it begins to break just at the very end, as the emotion wells up in her.

And she really does ride a very difficult and very painful emotional edge over these past weeks. Joe?

SCARBOROUGH: And, you know, Martin, she is such a strong woman. I don't know how she's been able to stay as strong as she has over the past several weeks.

But I want to ask you, I mean, looking at that interview, it seems to me that this family has completely given up hope that they can trust the Aruban government or the Dutch government. They seem very embittered by the entire process. Is that your take?

SAVIDGE: Well, I wouldn't say that they have totally given up hope. I mean, they do believe that there are many great people who are working on their behalf. They always extol the virtues of the Aruban people, who have been tremendously supportive and part of the strength that they have had to continue to hold up, as the family has.

They also believe that the prosecutor is probably working her best, Caren Janssen. But then there are others that they have their doubts about and they worry about whoever the judge may be on Monday and the decision that may be handed down, especially in that decision is to let any of the suspects go.

Let's go back to Aruba right now and bring in Ruben Trappenberg. He's the spokesperson for the government of Aruba.

Ruben, thank you so much for being with us. This is one of these times when we in America need your help in decoding what's going on down there. Earlier the AP was reporting that the attorney general in Aruba had claimed these young men had already been charged with murder in the case from the earliest days. Now we understand that's not the case, but they may be charged on Monday. Can you clear it up for us tonight?


It's—the attorney—it's not the attorney general—it is the chief prosecutor not being careful enough in her wording of the suspicion. And we have tried to do so from the beginning. The reasons they were suspected, meaning the murder charge—but, again, you get into these words of charge. And that means something in the U.S. It means something different here. And that is where the difficulty comes in.

I know that the AP wire had—you know, it was accurate what they were saying. It's just that, in the semantics, it gets lost. It's a reasonable suspicion. That's what they have. They have a suspicion that these guys did number one, two and three. And that is what they are being held on. That is all it is.

SCARBOROUGH: A powerful U.S. senator, Richard Shelby from Alabama, Natalee's home state, has been writing letters to the secretary of state, also to Dutch officials and Aruban officials. He's saying this investigation has reached—quote—“a dead end.”

Do you agree with the senator or do you think that there is still progress that could be made in finding Natalee?

TRAPPENBERG: We understand the concern of the senator. It's just that he doesn't have all the facts.

The chief prosecutor just said a day ago that, no, their—the investigation has not hit a dead wall. They are making good progress. And when there is all this talk about, let's get the FBI more involved, the FBI have been here since day one. And that is important to note. And there—maybe he does not have all the details in this case.

SCARBOROUGH: And, friends, let me just start by saying right now, all of my sources in Washington, D.C.—I'm sorry. I've got to bring this up. All of my sources in Washington, D.C., are telling me that, yes, the FBI officials have been down there from the very beginning. But they've not been allowed to do anything.

Senator Shelby's office not commenting to me, but those letters that they sent out, in the letter that they sent—I think their harshest letter actually was sent to the Dutch ambassador, basically saying there has been a stonewalling down in Aruba. This investigation has been sidetracked from the very beginning. You all need to help us. It's not happening yet.

Linda, thank you for being with us tonight.


(SCARBOROUGH:?) Obviously, Beth is very concerned about the hearing on Monday. She believes this government has been involved, possibly involved in a cover-up from the very beginning. What are your concerns about the Monday hearing?

ALLISON: Well, and, again, as you heard this explanation earlier about how the Dutch law works, it makes it very difficult for us to understand, when you bring somebody in for reasonable suspicion and turn them loose three days later—and I'm referencing to Paul van der Sloot—it's really difficult to understand what—what we're dealing with here.

And again, I explain this—the only way I can understand it is the prosecuting attorney only plays as few cards as possible, so that it doesn't divulge what evidence that they do have.

SCARBOROUGH: Linda, let me tell you what it looks like from here in America, from our vantage point. It actually looks like you have a prosecutor down there who is being fairly aggressive in some ways, but possibly she may be facing roadblocks from other government officials down there.

Do you sense that? And do you think the prosecutor's office has been aggressive enough? You think there are other roadblocks coming from the Aruban government or possibly the Dutch government?

ALLISON: Well, you have our family attorney that is giving us advice.

And we actually spoke with her this evening before I came on air, just to kind of understand about the report that the AP had said, that there were formal murder charges being brought at this time against the three suspects. And, again, those were charges that were initially brought against these three suspects.

Kind of as a shotgun approach, is the only way I can understand that in layman terms, is, you list all the possible charges that there might be out there. And it could just be kidnapping. And, as more evidence comes in, then you can eliminate some of the other charges. So, it's difficult.

And I think, if there were a lot more communication going on, that we could maybe appreciate and understand what they are doing in the crime—

I'm sorry—in the prosecuting attorney's office. And we are getting a lot of information from the prime minister's office. And, again, there's a separation of governmental agencies, if that—if you will refer to them as that.

ALLISON: The prime minister doesn't have any control over the Dutch Marines. The police investigators, the police department or police authorities have that control.

And one thing that has bothered me in all this is that, when EquuSearch and the family requested the Dutch Marines to come out and do a joined effort with the EquuSearch, then here, on Thursday, then van Straaten, the police investigator, decides to conduct his own search after three-and-a-half weeks. So, yes, that is a little frustrating from that perspective.

2,117 posted on 07/09/2006 6:25:51 AM PDT by imaketypos (Beth said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer)
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To: imaketypos

Art Wood did another interview with Dana Pretzer Saturday evening.
Posted by Sleuth at SM

2,118 posted on 07/09/2006 7:03:18 AM PDT by imaketypos (Beth said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer)
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To: imaketypos

I believe it would be beneficial to have some quotes taken from interviews Beth, Dave, and others did, just to refresh our memories.
I am going to attempt to post quotes from an interview each day, as time permits.
Todays quotes are from an interview on the

10-27-05 Rita Cosby Live and Direct

And now we‘re going to move on to the case in Aruba. Now to new details out of there in the search for a missing teen, Natalee Holloway. The Aruban deputy police chief has just wrapped up a closed-door meeting with the FBI.

Chief, thank you. First of all, how did the meeting go? And how long was the meeting with the FBI?
GEROLD DOMPIG, DEPUTY POLICY CHIEF OF ARUBA: Well, it was a great meeting. And basically, I can say, even though we butted heads a couple of times, but we basically renewed our vows to work together. And we sat for, I think, a little over five hours, but it was a great meeting.

COSBY: What‘s the next step, Chief, in terms of who you want to interview next and where you‘re headed?

DOMPIG: Well, we‘re still looking at the same scenarios. And we‘re pretty much, you would say, encouraged by the fact that the main scenario where we still look at these three boys is also the scenario that the FBI believes that we are on the right track.

COSBY: Is there a possibility she may have run away? Can you exclude that?

DOMPIG: No, not at all, because you have to keep an open mind, of course. But don‘t forget that, if we look at the statements from especially Joran, I have received today an overview of all the several moments where he has basically lied. And that‘s a lot.

COSBY: You also want to talk to some of the girls who were with Natalee. Where does that stand? And are you planning to maybe come to the states to do that?

DOMPIG: Well, we discussed that. We‘re looking at that right now and in what way we can process that. Don‘t forget that there‘s been about 120 teens in the Holiday hotel. So we need to make an assessment of which ones we want to talk to, which questions we haven‘t asked them yet, and try to get it done with the help of the FBI.

COSBY: Do you believe that you‘ll be coming to the states soon possibly, Chief?

DOMPIG: Well, I hope I‘m safe coming to the states, because there‘s a couple of people that are not really pleased with the work that we‘ve done. But, if the time is there, I‘ll be glad to come.

COSBY: Where does it stand with, you know, these key folks, Deepak, Satish and Joran? Do you believe you‘re going to have to be calling them in soon again for questioning?

DOMPIG: Well, I hope so, because they‘re still our main focus. And don‘t forget that we want to make sure that—because these boys have, like, eight, nine lawyers, so we want to make sure that, when we call them in, that we‘re absolutely sure that we have enough basis to call them in.

COSBY: Now, I know, Chief, a lot of the focus was obviously on that taped interview done for Dr. Phil‘s show by Jamie Skeeters‘ with Deepak. Do you believe—you have the tape now. Where do they stand, in terms of analysis? And do you believe—you were telling me that you thought there may be some discrepancies?

DOMPIG: Yes. But because we just want to make sure that these discrepancies are maybe in the transcriptions that were made, but we‘re going to get there soon and I think at a place where we feel comfortable, and maybe even with the legal assistance through the FBI try to get the original version that would be on the hard disk of Jamie Skeeters.

COSBY: And also, real quick, Chief, I know that there‘s sort of a renewed search, from what we heard, at the lighthouse, also the fisherman‘s hut, two of the sort of the key areas there in Aruba. Is there anything, any new evidence to sort of suggest that they should start those searches there again?

DOMPIG: No, no, no. I regret to say no. We‘re still looking in the ocean. And don‘t forget that, by this time, we‘re not looking for a body anymore. But basically, if a body was dropped there, you‘re talking about bones.

COSBY: And you believe there may still be some bones or something there, real quick?

DOMPIG: I hope so.

Jug, let me start with you, because the chief sounded very optimistic, sounded very focused after his meeting with the FBI. That‘s got to be optimistic for you.

GEORGE “JUG” TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: It is optimistic. I hope—you know, Gerold was very instrumental in the beginning of the investigation. I felt like the second day or third day down there he was on top of it. And hopefully, you know, we‘ll find something out.

COSBY: Do you get a sense, Jug, that there‘s sort of renewed energy? He also seemed, after the meeting with the FBI, that they both seem to be on the same track, seem to be working together, five-hour meeting. That‘s got to be a good sign, right?

TWITTY: I hope so. I hope that the FBI will call Beth in the morning, and tell her what the meeting was about and, hopefully, give her some hope that they are going in the right direction.

COSBY: You know, Jamie, he was talking about some of the discrepancies with the tape, saying that it was hard to hear some of the things. I know that he‘s sending the tapes to Holland, also checking with the FBI.

You did these recordings. Is that normal for them to be some discrepancies, and it just takes sort of enhancement?

JAMIE SKEETERS, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Yes, Rita. What I heard Gerold make a statement that he didn‘t trust the tapes, there was a couple of red flags.

Gerold and I, we communicate frequently. And I‘m very pleased with the way he‘s handling this. But naturally I was concerned what his red flags were. And he indicated it wasn‘t the credibility of the tapes.

It‘s just that I downloaded from my hard drive on a disc and gave it to the Dr. Phil show. They in turn downloaded that to VCRs. Now, he received VCRs and received my disc, and the disc is much more clearer than the VCRs.

And that was only the only discrepancy, plus the transcripts—when I do homicides and other cases, I do my own transcripts, because it‘s difficult for a secretary to try to interpret what I said depending on background noise.

COSBY: OK. So you‘re not going to go with her, unfortunately?

TWITTY: No, I‘m not going with Beth. Paul is going with her.

I hope, Rita, the one thing that really infuriates me is that I hear, you know, the rumors that Paulus Van Der Sloot is trying to get back into his job in the government.

And if the government of Aruba, the people of Aruba, let this man back into a government position, I think it‘s a terrible thing. The guy‘s—he‘s a pitiful excuse of a human being. And he does not deserve to be representing the—or being in the government in Aruba.

And also from a from 6-07-05 All Headline News Report

Suspects In Aruba Case Known To Police
June 7, 2005 11:05 a.m. EST

Hector Duarte Jr. - All Headline News Staff Reporter

Oranjestad, Aruba (AHN) - A police officer tells The Associated Press the two men charged with the disappearance of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway, the Alabama teen who went missing in Aruba over a week ago, are known by police for going around to hotels, attempting to pick up women and asking people for cigarettes. Authorities also reveal one of the men had a previous run-in with authorities.

The two suspects lost their jobs at a hotel, about two blocks from The Holiday Inn where Holloway was staying, after their work contracts expired.

The officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said several locals told police the men had a habit of combing hotels and talking to female tourists; one of the men had a previous run-in with the law, but the officer clarifies it was not a violent or sexual offense.

To read the rest

2,122 posted on 07/10/2006 4:50:20 AM PDT by imaketypos (Beth said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer)
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