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Dana Prezter had Art Wood on his radio show last night.
Here's a partial transcript I found at Scared Monkeys.
Follow the link and there are more reports on the interview.
Some of Imaketypos' review for today ties in with Art's interview.
Pretzer Interview Art Wood July 2 TRANSCRIPT


Dana Pretzer:

I used the term murder of Natalee Holloway. It's my pleasure to have one of the investigators here, Art Wood

Tell us about yourself Art.


Retired US Secret Service agent, I live in Ocala Florida. I have become very close with Dave and Beth Holloway over the last year. This case I'm emotinally attached to it, I know it very well


I'm emotionally attached to the case, I've shared e-mails with Dave. As a LE officer and victim's rights advocate, it just drives me crazy, we get ulcers and lose our hair, we want to do what we can to help, but this case has gone so many different directions and these poor people, if I had half the strength of Dave and Beth Holloway Twitty had I'd be a better perosn


What got me into this case, like all of you I watched the start of this case and was shocked at the lack of police work. The 3 kids the main suspects in this case, were the last ppl seen with Natalee yet the LE proceeded to arrest the two black security guards

I started e-mailing Jossy Mansur, and Jossy's 3 sons went to same college as me Weiland(?) Jesuit College. He invited me over there as a guest of the newspaper to be an investigative consultant. When I left Florida june last year I expected to be gone about 2 weeks but turns out I didn't come back until September


Basic police work errors that were so glaring in this investigation. I want to start with you Art with the MSM in particular, Fox News in the last few days, the reports coming out regarding this witness or not witness is this person credible, is there anything to Carlos?


First of all Carlos is a columbian, he's a male about 40, maybe 40 to 45 years old and at one time he had a work permit to work in Aruba but that expired and he didn't get it extended. At the time this happened he was an illegal. Basically, Carlos contacted Jossy through an intermediary and he was trying to claim the reward. Jossy told Dave and Beth about Carlos and contacted me and basically after consulting with Dave and Beth it was decided that I would talk to Carlos and see if there was any validity I flew down there in April and interviewed Carlos and actually on two occasions. Basically I didn't believe his story at all, I told Jossy there were too many holes in his story. I thought it was 1005 bogus, he was just trying to claim the reward.

Before leaving Aruba, I told Carlos that I would turn the info over the ALE, which I did, I made sure that Karin got that information and let them determine if there was validity to is. I advised Dave and Beth I found it not true, I left Aruba and the authorities picked him up and believed his story for awhile, they held him in protective custody for 6 weeks and now he's recanted his story.


We as LE or members of the media or people who talk to people for a living. YOu can see contradictions, physical actions, body language, different things that you can soon tell when you interview a witness whether they're a glory grabber or they actually have something


LE officers involved in criminal investigations develop not just an instinct, they develop a whole personna to tell if someobdy is lying or not. It comes with experiences but it comes with 100's of interrogations you're involved with. This guy's story didn't make any sense to me at all. I was using an interpreter but I could tell he was lying, I knew that he was. As a police officer instinctively you just know when they're lying.

I've told Dave, I'm 100% sure he was lying and turns out he was.


You know when someobdy is lying. One of the questions that came up, was the co-operation of the aruban authorities, we'll get into the competence, how did they treat you?


I developed a relationship with a police officer which I thought was beneficial to the investigation. There were aspects to this case where there were people in aruba that I did not and do not trust. I believe this case was sabotaged from within. There are too many things to get into, but I've come to the conclusion along with info I've shared with Dave and Beth that it was sabotaged from within. I think it was professionally sabotaged.

At one point in the summer, one high ranking police officer came to me and asked, told me that Natalee was being held in a residence in Aruba. They took me and Eduardo Mansur to this house and I said why me and Eduardo. He said we want you to do some surveillance and I said why, why dont' the police just go in there. He said there was somebody in the investigation he didn't even trust. Later that night I told Eduardo, this is wrong, something is wrong either these people want to put us in danger. As a matter of fact after just after checking this house I took some people and we went into the house and searched it and talked to the people in there. It was a strange situation.


Is this case still being investigated from the private side. Are you still working on this


I have never given up on this case, I believe it can be solved. There are too many ppl involved in the coverup. There's couple of things that could happen to solve the case.. The family of Natalee needs to put pressure on the US attorney in Birmingham to push the FBI to conduct an investigation after ALE close the case. We have a treaty that allows the FBI to pursue a violation of civil rights of an americn citizen there. I believe it could be solved that way, more than likely the case would be solved if somebody would talk. There are at least 5 people in the disappearance and coverup and if they talked it could be solved.

People aren't doing searches but we have allies there who are trying to solve this. Jossy has been allied and absolutely critical in trying to find the anwers here. The largest newspaper is actively involved in searching for the truth and the aruban people should be proud of that.


I've Had Jossy on the show several times and I will not let this go from my end. Believe me if you need any assistance please let me know.

My next question here, as far as credible witnesses. We hear about
witnesses, really you meantion 5 people. There are still some credible witnesses out there that haven't been spoken to or questioned the right way. I talk about an investigation as a puzzle and you put it together, right now this puzzle in Aruba is spread out around the island.


As a matter of fact, about a month ago they had someobdy in Holland, the poker dealer from the Excelsior, where Joran and Natalee met. That poker dealer was one of Joran's friends and even though he's not in custody he was somebody I had discovered in June of last year that should be pursued. I had requested ALE to go to Holland talk to him and pursue this lead. The fact is that he was dealing poker that night that Joran met Natalee and other casino employees said he was very nervous about the film of Natalee and Joran at the poker table.


We've all seen the video on the news where Paulus said he never met her, but I've sure seen a video where he was sitting there at that poker table


It sure looks like Paulus at the table, I wouldn't count that so much as evidence. We know that Joran was there, that's clear and he admits being there. Joran says that he came to that table after Paul went home. If that is Paul at that table, then that is extremely important, that tells that both of them are lying.


Initially it may not be direct evidence, but it certainly is evidence as far as obstruction of the case and possible corruption in Aruba that is leading to this misinformation.

Let's get to the question of the belt. I'm looking at pictures and it sure looks like the one in the pictures with Joran. Jossy mentioned that some of the evidence is missing


I could tell you that we were led to believe early on, approximately June 1 is when Dave talked to Dennis Jacobs and he was led to believe that the boys had been interviewed on the 30th and 31st and he was going to take another run at them. No statements from these suspects show up in any files until after they're arrested on June 9. On June 10 the family is told this is not a missing person's case it's a murder investigation. They were led to believe somebody confessed. Somebody in the government released that info adn that they were being lead to the body. If it did happen, it was covered up. I think it wouldbe hard to cover up if they..the chief of police at the time was van der Straaten who was best firends with Paul and he eventually resigned from the case. He interviweed Joran on the 9th of June and claims to hve told, ppl were told by him that Joran had confessed and they were going to elad to the body, but only part of that interview was presented to the case.

Joran claimed Deepak had raped and killed Natalee and buried her by the fisherman's hut. It was a short interview in the report, so it seems pages and pages of the interview are missing. There are lot of interrogations that we hage questions

Jacobs was a drug officer, he'd never been involved in a missing person case. There's a lot of strange behaviours in this case, he may have sabotaged the case, I'd like to know


The physical evidence, the belt...


There are reasons I searched for the belt. SOme ppl saw a vehicle that night, they lead me to this area and believe it or not, it's an area where it's the first thing I came to. Dave saw a police car with the trunk open on June 2...when he tried to approach the cop sped away.

I talked to Dave back in Meridian and he gave me a description.... I was kicking around in the sand and a belt popped up so I put it in my car. I asked the cops if they wanted it and they said bring it in in the morning. I went back and hooked up with Eduardo, we were going to interview some people, later I was making a mental note to take the belt to the police. I kept thinking I saw that belt before, so I want to the newspaper and started looking at file photos and I find that picutre of Joran chocking somebody with the belt.

It's a distinctive belt .... it has some kind of striations, brown leather, very wide, good thick leather belt and amazingly it's a real long belt. when I took it to the polie, the lead investigator at that time, one of the chief people was a guy was Tromp, I gave it personally to him, he took a statement frm me, he said wow this is identical, this is important. I later find out they did nothing with it, didn't sent to Holland, they determined the belt is too old, in the sand long time.

Let me tell you something, for them to say it was too old and wouldn't fit Joran. I said nobody said Joran wore this belt, it was a prop in the photo, he's choking a kid in the photo .... They missed the point, so actually I had gone through an attorney to get the belt back, I was going to send to a lab myself. We don't know what happened to the belt, I suggested they send to Holland, there could be blood, DNA< anything there. You just don't know.

With enhancement you could tell for sure if it was the same belt. If there's a striation mark they could enhance it and it would be possible to have it's own fingerprint.


We solve a case four different ways, a confession, physical evidence, statements from witnesses

They just blew it


that's just one example. There are many others. I had that belt late in July and I had been in Aruba for about 2 months, I'd never seen the police get excited about anything. The searches that were going on after June 3 were being conducted by volunteers by friends of H/T and TES. I never saw the police participate in any searches, the day I pulled that belt in, we organized a search and I had a guy with a profesional dog team Fred Golba, and Fred organized this search to take place after 6:30 pm. it was hot and he wanted his dogs to be able to work optimally in cooler temperatures.

There were cops crawling all over, they all showed up, everybody showed up, this is a first. So they try to tell me the belt isn't significant but they're acting differently.


The fourth way is help form the public. Question from e-mail: Art, Jossy has said that he knows that Joran took Natalee to his apartment. How does he know that, did they search the apartment and find evidence that she had been there. What can you say about the searches


First of all they did search of Joran's apartment, which is a garage apartment on the van der SLoot property. He had his own apartment, he could sneak in and out. They didn't search the main house, we were led to believe by a leak from the police that evidence was found there. Jossy had reason to believe that possible DNA evidence was found in the apartment. I has never come out that it was true, you would think tha6t would have been turned over to both sides, but it never has.

As far as other searches where evidence was found, we were lead to believe that blood was found in the Kalpoe car. The police stated on world television that blood was found and was send to Holland. When the report came back it was stated that it was cleaning fluid and chocolate. I don't know of any test, any initial test whether Luminol or other chemical which would show a positive for's elementary police work, you know from crime scene searches. There are very few substances that show up as blood that isn't.

So we really were disappointed in that test but that's one of those things I can't accuse anybody but think about, it could easily be something that was substituted.


Another question: Joran and his history, in your investigation before, what did you find out about his kid, what kind of kid was he, what kind of history. ANy problem with LE in the past, there was an allegation about other females


Professionals that have testified in this case and talk about him say he's a sociopath. I haven't met him but he definitely has problems. IF you see the interview with Greta he said he never went to any psychologist but he told the police he was under care of one at school. His father said he was being treated for anger management and stealing from his family


I watched that interview, I was screaming at the tv with questions I had. I could get that kid to talk in 15 minutes


He told his father that he was at one casino when then later, when they went there he wasn't there, I was at the Radisson instead of the .. anyway that was the night after Natalee disappeared. He tells the authorites that he had a tennis match and then he went to the casino. He's at a poken tournament at the Radisson, what happens is Greta ask why did you tell your father you were at this casino when you were elsewhere

He said because we put the car there. The truth is you're not going to walk...Deepak wasn't with him, she caught him in an absolute bold faced lie and didn't follow up on it. He told his father and his fther told the police, but when they checked at the casino, nobody had seen him.

We had reason to believe, the first week in June one of the kids told Dave that Joran and his father borrowed a friend's boat that night, that's what I would have questioned him about


I watched that discussion becuase I don't call it an interview.
Seeing the video of Bo serving Joran in New York, the intimidation factor, asking where did you bury her, playing the mental games. I'm sure Bo is a true professional, he got his emotions...


I think he's a homicide detective


Those types of things sometimes work. Do you think they did that on purpose, do you think you say hello sir...may I have a second of your time..


I'm sure that Bo had the same feelings you and I do, would have liked to tak a shot at the kid. I would love to hve a chance to get inside his head. you can see this kid is a professional liar. I knew that he wasn't at the Radisson, at the hotel he claimed to be...the Wyndham..this is the night that Beth and Jug arrive in Aruba, early morning hours of May 30/31. They're trying to find their daughter, the get to the house, the father answers the door... he's not home 2 a.m.

Beth and Jug stand there with a cop, Paul gets on the phone with his son, he's at the Wyndham playing poker. They get in the car to go to the Wyndham, he's not there. They go there and nobody has seen him there. WHen they get back to the house he's in the driveway with Deepak Kalpoe. Anyway, Greta asks him why did you tell him you were at the Wynda.....We know that Deepak worked until 11:30 at the internet cafe and that he later claims to hve gone to the Radisson where Joran is supposedly gambling. The Wyndham and the Radisson are quite far apart, you wouldn't park you car at one to go to the other ....

Greta had him in a bold face lie and Greta didn't follow up


Here we have a case where it was just corruption, bungled, covered up, what could we have done to make it better. We could probably name a lot


I want to bring to your attention, this might help people to understand. You have to understand that the day after she disappeared Joran and the Kalpoes told Beth and the police that they had dropped Natalee of at the Holiday Inn and that when the got out she stumbled and fell on the sidewalk and one of the security guard helped her\
When they told that story, that day the 1st of June, Beth and the police officers including the chief, van der Stratten have viewed the film at the Holiday Inn and they know the boys have lied becuase they show she wasn't dropped off. She didn't fall and hurt herself and the Kalpoes car does not enter the film area, so they know that these 3 suspects have lied. The Chief of Police and you hve 3 people who were seen with this american girl and they were seen with her in their car and these 3 teenagers have all told you the Chief that they dropped her off at the Holiday In.. Wouldn't you focus on those 3 kids. Guess what? They went after two black security guards and arrested them on June 5. Why would you arrests these two security guards, when you know that the people that pointed you to them were lying.

What I'm trying to say to the listeners, if you don't believe theres's a coverup in Aruba, you only have to look at the orchestrated arrest of these security guards. If you know they were lying about dropping her off, why arrest the security guards.

That is the biggest seed to play that I would like to plant in your listeners' heads. I interviewed this Boeti guy, this drug dealer on th beach who claims he sold drugs to Natalee. I interviewed him 5 times early on, I've told Beth and Dave..I came away that he'd been coached Every time Boeti told me he saw these security guards going in and out of Natalee's room. He said he was interviewed by police several times but there are no police reports.

Turns out Boeti is the brother in law of Gerold Dompig. guess what,, you've got a narcotics investigator in Aruba working as the chief investigator on the Natalee disappearance, what better way to justify the arrest of the two black security guards than to have a drug dealer to say he saw the guards going in and out of Natalee's room.


All these people want are answers, some closure. This craziness just continues on and on. A few more e-mail questions.


Thereare professional officers on Aruba who are good, they were never assigned to this case. I'm talking about homicide detectives, but they were never assigned.


You juts pinned that tail on the donkey.


I want your listeners to know I think highly of many officers in Aruba, but they were never allowed to work on this case.


Another e-mail. The gardener witness, did he take lie detector, where is he now. Could it hve bee


It could have been Freddy in the car, his identification of Satish was not that importanat, he saw 3 guys..both of the brothers claims they were aleady home and Joran claimed to have been dropped at the beach.

Carlos the gardener in his early 20's I found him honest and sincere. I believe him, I'm very sure Carlos was telling the truth. He wasn't looking for a reward, he didn't want to involve the police in this at all. I found Carlos, he told me this is through an interpretor too, he said "I saw them searching by the fisherman's hut, big search party police and everybody, I was driving to work and I wasn thinking go there, ...Carlos wasn't found until August, he told his employer in the first week of June about seeing the boys, Carlos was very sincere, he's still on the island I think he would be an excellent witness. He couldn't identify Satish, the person in the back seat ducked.

It could have been Freddy. I've seen a lot of interviews, one of those interviews talks about the fact Paul had gotten attorneys for thse kids the first week in June before they were even arrested. He got an attorney for Freddy, who wasn't even arrested until September. That tells you a lot an Freddy is one of the 5 people I mentioned earlier.

I found it incredible that Carlos was from Columbia. The Dutch and arubans didn't think much of him because he was columbian. He was very sincere in my opinion


One more question, can you explain why the Kalpoes and Joran hve not been charged with an aduction, sexual molestation because there are some admissions, even drugging her coming in and out of consciousness


Unfortuntely, regarding the evidence, unless there was some way to find her body...I do believe she was given a date rape drug, unless one of the suspects talks there is no evidence to use in Court to convince a jury. I also think she may hve been run over with the car.

In the statements, if you recall the boys were being transported from Oranjestad to another town, they were secretly recorded. During that conversatsion they're very careful what they say but Deepak said if they ever find the girl you're going to jail for 20 years.

One of the things Joran said in the conversation, he tells Deepak dont the police like to know your brother ran a girl over with the girl. That blew my mind, that's like saying be careful what you say about me or I'll tell the police what really happened.

Recall the story I told you earlier, they said Natalee fell out of the car, we know that's a lie. Why would you say she fell out of the car unless you were covering yourself. This girl may have tried to jump out of the vehicle and was run over. We were led to believe Deepak was driving the car, in the statement they said Deepak parked the car behind C&C.


It's contradiction after contradiction that you and other LE people would jump on. I would be strung up if I didn't ask you about the Chicago video


The videos of the paper bag, plastic bag. I would love experts to look at that video, like the FBI. I can't see to where I believe it's anything related to this case. I'd like to see computer enhancement, to see when they were shot and what they exactly show.


Art you're a true professional, you've got a heart of gold. You and I are on the same page here


Some of your listeners may misunderstand this, somebody in the news media has painted me as a soldier of fortune. I have never been paid for my services in this case, Jossy Mansur helped with some of the expenses ,and I appreciate that. But I've received no payment and billed nobody.

Beth paid my Jossy paid that airfare when I came to Aruba in April to talk to Carlos.
Copied this from another is not complete.

2,081 posted on 07/03/2006 4:26:08 AM PDT by RGVTx (Boycott Aruba/NL products list
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2,082 posted on 07/03/2006 8:03:46 AM PDT by truthluva ("Character is doing the right thing even when no one is looking" - JC Watts + Arbua is a cesspool)
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To: RGVTx; nuntukamen; shebacal; Canadian Outrage; presently no screen name; justche; MAWG; ...
From the article:

Professionals that have testified in this case and talk about him say he's a sociopath. I haven't met him but he definitely has problems.

IF you see the interview with Greta he said he never went to any psychologist but he told the police he was under care of one at school.

His father said he was being treated for anger management and stealing from his family.

2,083 posted on 07/03/2006 6:22:06 PM PDT by LucyT
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To: RGVTx; nuntukamen; shebacal; Canadian Outrage; presently no screen name; justche; MAWG; ...

I do believe she was given a date rape drug, unless one of the suspects talks there is no evidence to use in Court to convince a jury. I also think she may hve been run over with the car.

In the statements, if you recall the boys were being transported from Oranjestad to another town, they were secretly recorded. During that conversatsion they're very careful what they say but Deepak said if they ever find the girl you're going to jail for 20 years.

One of the things Joran said in the conversation, he tells Deepak dont the police like to know your brother ran a girl over with the girl. That blew my mind, that's like saying be careful what you say about me or I'll tell the police what really happened.

2,084 posted on 07/03/2006 6:25:48 PM PDT by LucyT
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"It sure looks like Paulus at the table, I wouldn't count that so much as evidence. We know that Joran was there, that's clear and he admits being there. Joran says that he came to that table after Paul went home. If that is Paul at that table, then that is extremely important, that tells that both of them are lying."

Odd that this one little snippet of video is always presented as though it is in a vacuum..........whoever the guy is, and the dealer as well, are undoubtedly in PLENTY more video from many cameras in the casino that night.....including arriving and departing thru the doors, alone or accompanied.

watch the magicians hands, not what he directs your attention to......

2,085 posted on 07/03/2006 6:35:50 PM PDT by Vn_survivor_67-68
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To: RGVTx; Froufrou
Deepak said if they ever find the girl you're going to jail for 20 years.

The implication is that she CAN be found?

2,086 posted on 07/03/2006 6:55:22 PM PDT by LucyT
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To: RGVTx; All

My thanks to RGVTx for doing the postings while I was taking care of my dishpan hands.LOL

The family of Natalee needs to put pressure on the US attorney in Birmingham to push the FBI to conduct an investigation after ALE close the case. We have a treaty that allows the FBI to pursue a violation of civil rights of an americn citizen there

Maybe this might help explain why these meetings took place.

Bachus, Jefferson County District Attorney David Barber and other Alabama law officials met for two hours with a team of Aruban law enforcement officials, including Aruban Deputy Police Chief Dolf Richardson.

Richardson and other Aruban officials did not speak to reporters after the meeting. They instead went to a meeting with FBI officials, including Charles C. Gregorski, director of the violent crimes unit. Bachus helped get the FBI involved in the investigation within days of Holloway's disappearance

2,099 posted on 07/04/2006 1:08:36 PM PDT by imaketypos (Beth said, you do not want to turn me loose from this island without an answer)
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partial transcript of Art Wood with Dana Prezter

VERY provocative information from Art Wood. I'll comment on just one thing Art said. "Greta had him in a bald faced lie and Greta didn't follow up." My guess is, in order to get Joran to agree to an interview, she promised him there would be no hard ball questions.

Too bad she didn't take a page from Joran's own book, as in, "If you lie, why can't I?" Then have an Art Wood stand in for her at the inteview.

We just might have gotten some truth out of this arrogant scumball, OR, watched him march off the set because he couldn't take the heat.

2,111 posted on 07/06/2006 11:57:12 PM PDT by IIntense
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