It's so simple, I'm surprised you didn't think of it yourself. Self deportation.
1. Enforce existing laws against hiring, and increase penalties.
2. No more catch and release.
3. Announce a future guestworker program, but stipulate that anyone found illegally in the country after a certain date (no more than 6 months from the date you announce it) will never be allowed to be a guestworker or come into the country again.
4. Do something about the anchor baby issue (I don't agree that the 14th ammendment was intended as it is now being interpeted, but I'm not sure how we address that).
5. No govt. benefits except for emergency care (after which you are hauled back to your home country).
I don't think you would have to forcibly deport all that many. However, it's ok, we can create jobs (don't politicians love to do that?) by increasing the number of ICE employees if need be.
5. is the one I think should be pushed first and hardest.