I'm glad you finally admit that. Now, since the TOE has nothing at all to do with magic, and ID has everything to do with unprovable, magical creation events, perhaps we can now comfortably thow ID overboard per your excellent refutation of its foundations.
You mean, it has nothing to do with FACT and science. TOE has everything to do with magic, because it just assumes complex machines "appeared" out of nowhere. TBBT is also part of TOE whether you like it or not, and also depends completely on magic.,p> ID does not depend on magic. It offers a more plausible explanation, whether you agree or not. Just because we can't understand how doesn't mean it can't be. TOE uses the same belief in something unexplainable on and more fantastic scale to explain things. In fact, ID is the more believable because the evidence is right in front of us. A DNA molecule even for the simplest bacterium contains more structured language and information than an entire set of the enxcylopedia Britannica set. To think it appeared magically by itself is absurd.