Dince Dompig et al have cast aspersions upon Beth et al re the "funds", it might not be a good idea to continue posting about such things.......if I were sweating under the spotlight like Dompig et al are, I'd sieze upom what has appeared here and turn it into at minimum more aspersions, and whatever else I could conjure from it
I think Beth is addressing all those MISrepresentations by Mr. Dompig on each and every show that she appears on. I suppose we don't have to be parrots.
It doesn't hurt to some extent tho to let these people know that the American public and interested followers of this case from other countries SEE what is really happening. Survivor, it's time ARUBA pulled up their socks. Enough diversions already.
Sane minds prevail when the ca ca hits the fan.
Thanks, I know I get carried away and say things I shouldn't sometimes.