What I understood is that the only way lying can hurt you is if you are charged with something, then it can hurt your defense against the charges. However, if you are not charged with some "larger" more serious crime, then lying cannot hurt you because you cannot be charged with a seperate crime of lying or "obstructing justice". Why? Well, that's just the way their system works...
It's evident why there are no cameras and press at these hearings since everyone is allowed to be a Jon Lovitz character from SNL and just tell one lie after another.
One real problem with the Dutch method of not letting the public know facts of the case prevents witnesses from coming forward and saying what they seen, heard. If people knew where and when these perps took NH, then people would have a chance to state what they seen if around those places at those times or if they seen the car etc driving around an area at a certain time.
This is not like a crime that happens in most neighborhoods, the possible witness are mostly trancient in Aruba since most will be travelers.
They won't be able to be canvassed by police hanging out at the beach, days, weeks and months later, and questioning people if they seen something that night, since most have returned home.
Anybody who was around at the possible areas now must rely on scant, rumor filled stories to determine if they might have something of interest.
This system would be flawed in a stable setting but the trancience of the Aruba travellers makes it deeply flawed.