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Posted on 04/30/2005 8:41:28 PM PDT by Quix

America Hear My Words

Marsha Allred

April 6, 2005

"I have much to say to this nation. Hear My Words.

America, you began well - the men who formed your foundation called on Me to make their way clear - those who believed in Me - interceded with great power in My strength to bring forth this land of promise.

You have done well in much - and well you know those things for you recite them daily to remind Me - it is good.

Body of Christ - you are to be the soul of this nation of promise - but instead you have sold much of yourself to gain the comforts of the flesh forgetting how My Son lived on the earth - owning nothing He wouldn't give. I test you daily - Body of Christ, and you do not even notice. You are too busy striving for a tomorrow that may never come. Your life and who you are is not found in what you will accomplish tomorrow - your life is who you are right now in this moment.

Who are you in the face of the hungry? Where is the fount of your love in the face of divisiveness? When others express My Truth in another way - why do you insist it be your way alone? KNOW THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELF - LOOK INTO MY WORD AND KNOW THE TRUTH FOR YOURSELVES AND THERE WILL BE NO DIVISIVENESS OR RANCOR IN MY BODY ON THE EARTH. Do not argue man's rules and divide the Body of Christ. Have I not said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand?"

Do you dare to call yourself a Christ follower and still hold bitterness in your heart against your brother? Do you dare to call yourself a Christ follower and out of your mouth damn the lost to eternal damnation? How dare you damn what I weep over? Have you known the sinner for generations before he was born? Do you know and have you seen the strategies and tactics of the enemy that has distorted his vision and twisted his soul into painful contortions? So you dare sit in your earthly throne of judgment, little king, and display your pompous benevolence on those you wish and damn the soul I love? I will take you from your throne and crush it into dust. I will show you the torment of those you condemn until you cry out for mercy for your soul - cry out for mercy for your own soul - as you should NOW be crying out for mercy on the souls tortured in bondage.

If America be your throne - My determination will not falter. I will throw out the whole basket of fruit for the rotted has destroyed the good.

Hear Me now and hear Me well Body of Christ.

You have one season to tend your tree. Begin now asking Me what remedy you might use to bring life to what remains. I will look for My Love to spread abroad to the right and to the left. I will look to see if forgiveness is flowing in your midst - I will look into YOUR heart of hearts - INDIVIDUALLY - even as every branch and leaf is inspected for insects and decay.

If I do not see the Body of Christ reflect the Glory of My Son in this nation in one season - I will begin to destruct your false throne and raise My throne in a land you never expected.

Do not say - "What of him - what is he doing?" - for you will raise My anger. Look to your own heart and be fearfully careful to follow the instruction I give you in the days of your life. I look for a humble and willing heart that continues even when it stumbles - that one who is ever walking towards My Son until that life disappears into His Own. I will not handle the hard heart - the stiff neck, for it will destroy itself.

If your heart is good you have much to rejoice in and many blessings of surprise and fulfillment await you. If your heart is bad - rejoice in your darkness quickly for your time is short.

Come - Come - Come - My Heart yearns to give you all things that we might rejoice together - Come into the flow of My Love and be swept up in it's Powerful current - You will be filled with life and deposit life every place you touch with your hands and every step you take with your foot.

This can be a glorious day - it is for you to choose - hold that future before you and walk your life into Mine. Know My Word - Know My Word. Your very life and the lives of your children depend upon My Word. Know My Word FOR YOURSELVES-and do not only listen to man." -------------- Note: This is not a word of ruin and devastation but one of hopeful promise. God is Love - all He is asking is that His Body on earth reflect that Love by loving each other and loving the unloved. He is not asking for perfection - only that when we stumble we do not give up but GET UP and KEEP GOING FORWARD INTO HIM. He asks that our hearts be humble and that we give an accurate accounting of ourselves to be what He asks of us to be - His Hands and Feet on the earth. In Joel 2:12-14 directly after the description of the destroying army sent to envelope God's people due to their sins he says, "Yet even now," declares the Lord, "Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping, and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments." Now return to the Lord Your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger abounding in lovingkindness, and relenting of evil. Who knows whether He will not turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind Him, even a grain offering and a libation for the Lord your God?"

Luke 20:9-16,NAS "And He began to tell the people this parable: "A man planted a vineyard (a vine and vineyard is a scriptural picture of Christ and believers) and rented it out to vine-growers, and went on a journey for a long time. And at the harvest time he sent a slave (a slave is someone who does not have freedom over his own destiny - he is forced labor to another - much as a sinner who does not know the freedom in Christ is a slave to sin) to the vine-growers that they might give him some of the produce of the vineyard; but the vine growers beat him and sent him away empty-handed." (Much the way false Christians beat the sinners among them with words of judgment and condemnation. Christ on the earth - never condemned a sinner who came - only the hypocritical believers in religion. Have we sent any sinners away empty-handed?) "And he proceeded to send another slave; and they beat him also and treated him shamefully, and sent him away empty-handed. And he proceeded to send a third; and this one also they wounded and cast out. And the owner of the vineyard said, "What shall I do: I will send my beloved son; perhaps they will respect him. But when the vine-growers saw him, they reasoned with one another, saying, "This is the heir; let us kill him that the inheritance may be ours." And they cast him out of the vineyard and killed him." ("And the King will answer and say to them, "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these, even the least of them, you did it to me." Matt. 25:40) "What, therefore, will the owner of the vineyard do to them? He will come and destroy these vine-growers and will give the vineyard to others." And when they heard it, they said, "May it never be!" Isn't this what the Lord just said concerning America - that He would tear down our self-righteous throne and set His Throne in another nation we would never expect?

Luke 13:6-9 NAS "And He began telling this parable: "A certain man had a fig tree which had been planted in his vineyard; and he came looking for fruit on it, and did not find any. And he said to the vineyard-keeper, "Behold, for three years I have come looking for fruit on this fig tree without finding any. Cut it down! Why does it even use up the ground? And he answered and said to him, "Let it alone, sir, for this year too, until I dig around it and put in fertilizer; and if it bears fruit next year, fine; but if not, cut it down."

Matthew 7: 1-5 NAS "Do not judge lest you be judged yourselves. For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it shall be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your own brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye," and behold, the log is in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take the speck out of your brother's eye." What would you think if you saw a man walking down the street - poking himself in the eye - beating himself with his fist-slapping himself in the face or cutting his fingers to the bone? I'm sure it wouldn't be "Well that's the life for me!" Yet the body of Christ walks through the earth doing just that - just how attractive is that for unbelievers? Some of us express our praise with instruments - some of us do not - some of us are more comforted by one truth than another - the only and most important line of demarcation is the Blood of Christ. It is the one undeniable, uncompromised truth - when He appears in the clouds we will remember nothing but that.

John 21:15-17 NAS "So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, Son of John, do you love Me more than these?" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Tend My lambs." He said to him again a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me:" He said to Him, "Yes, Lord; You know that I love You." He said to him, "Shepherd My sheep." He said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love Me?" Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, "Do you love Me?" And he said to Him, "Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You." Jesus said to him, "Tend My sheep."

According to The Hebrew-Greek Key Study Bible - the word "lambs" in verse 15 has its root in the phrase "to ramble freely". The word "feed" in verse 16 has its root in the phrase "revolve around".

Wasn't the Lord instructing Peter to allow his life to "revolve around" those who tend to ramble and might very well stray and be lost - much as in the parable of the lost sheep? Living in this way puts the life of the Christian at His Master's direction and not his own.

The Lord provided me with a living example of what He wants from us as His people just a few hours before He spoke this word. A couple days before, my husband suffered several strokes and was in the hospital. At the age of 56 after being a homeschool mom with not many "saleable" talents I am faced with the need to go to work. After leaving the hospital on this day I stopped for gas on my way home. Not having the slightest idea of how I will meet the financial needs growing by the minute - my mind was spinning with questions of the Lord, my soul felt numb and my body VERY tired. As I pumped the gas into the car I noticed a man who appeared to be homeless speak to a woman at a nearby pump. I sighed to the Lord, "Please don't let him come to me - I can't deal with this right now." Just as quickly - the man turned and came straight to me. "Ma'am, do you have any spare change? I'd like to buy a hotdog inside." My first thought was to dismiss him gently but the Lord seriously checked my heart. Instead I found myself saying I would buy him supper when I finished pumping my gas. Together we went inside as the Lord instructed me to buy for him exactly what I would want to buy for myself. I told him to choose a sandwich and I handed him a bag of chips. I knew I'd want a cold drink- he chose a Coke. As I went to pay, the Lord reminded me that each night after supper I like a small piece of chocolate. "What would you like for dessert?" I asked, "Cake, or candy?" "Oh ma'am," he exclaimed, "This is a lot." By then we were standing at the candy and he said, "Oh I love candy. This is my all time favorite." Before I could pay, the Lord reminded me of what a cold and blustery day it was and the sun was going down. "Would you like a hot cup of coffee after that?" I found myself asking. "Oh, that's okay ma'am, I've had coffee today." I paid for his meal including a large cup of coffee when he was finished - as the clerk asked if I also wanted a lotto ticket. "Jesus takes good care of me-no thanks." I heard myself say. and He does. The experience was real - but it was one of those times that seemed so automatic and yet not - it was purely a gift from the Holy Spirit who led me through in spite of my own reticence. I am not sharing it now to proclaim my purity - Lord knows that would be a lie - but to encourage myself and you to live your life "revolving around" the lambs that "ramble freely" and could be killed.

I truly believe the Lord has given the Body of Christ in America - one season - one season to "get it right" or we WILL LOSE THIS NATION. I do not know what is meant by "season" - if it be our natural season of a few months or a spiritual season. I DO know this: the picture of a teen being asked to do a chore came to mind. If he goes as soon as he is told and does the work with a willing heart-even if there are mistakes made in ignorance-grace is given with further instruction. However, if he or she sits at the TV. ten minutes longer - and finally, reluctantly goes to his work - judgment will reflect that. Excuses and buck passing are not acceptable. WE ARE TO BE THE LOVE OF CHRIST MADE MANIFEST IN A DARKENED WORLD - we MUST keep encouraging each other to listen to the Holy Spirit and do His Will - not our own will, but His. We NEED to ask the Holy Spirit to overshadow each one of us with the instructions for each day that we might make His Praise Glorious!!! Please - let's love each other and look at those enslaved around us through His Eyes - as we would want Him to look at us.

KEYWORDS: americaweighed; focusongod; lovebrothers; prophetic; propheticwarning; season
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To: Campion

This is clearly a personal attack.
This is what will get anyone who comes against your system brought up before a world court. Rev. 18:4 says..Come OUT of her my people. Obviously God does have people sitting within this system. So for the statement of being completely black and wicked is like me calling the Democratic party completely black and wicked. Can people change parties? Yes....Can people "Come out of her." yes..and some will. I defend NO denomination or system.
If I remember correctly I have seen you make plenty of flame comments about the Democratic party....what is the difference? Is it the belief system you dislike or the people. People I like...the systems that rule them and teach them...I hate.

161 posted on 05/02/2005 4:10:45 PM PDT by BriarBey ("He Who Does Not Remember History Is Condemned To Repeat It")
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To: BriarBey; Quix; Campion

and the great whore is a great political religious system, Babylon the Great, whom truth be told, has already fallen

162 posted on 05/02/2005 4:13:27 PM PDT by D Edmund Joaquin (Mayor of Jesusland)
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To: D Edmund Joaquin

But I think it's much bigger than even the largest religious organization.

I think that the system aspect is a system of demonic control that crosses all kinds of organizational boundaries.

163 posted on 05/02/2005 4:16:26 PM PDT by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Quix

yes, that's right. Totally demonic and into everything

164 posted on 05/02/2005 4:18:16 PM PDT by D Edmund Joaquin (Mayor of Jesusland)
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To: D Edmund Joaquin

I love it when we can agree on truth!


165 posted on 05/02/2005 4:25:25 PM PDT by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: Rutles4Ever
This particular subject, harlot stuff, come out of her, is very upsetting for me to deal with compared to all other contentious religious doctrinal differences/debates/discussions. Not unexpectedly, some are so sure just what it is and what horrible things are going to happen to those who stay blah blah, that it gets too sectarian, too hot to touch, and too distressing.

I do not know. I wish I had that sense of certainty some of them display. But I don't. But I will tell you this much. You are right about the 99.99% and I do not want to be among the .01 who falls over the cliff by making the wrong choice through my own personal misinterpretation or willfullness.

When the fundamentalists start their ranting, any chance at rational discussion ends for me. If you read any of my posts, having once been a protestant, I am very open toward them, have not developed catholic arrogance to the point I would send any of them to hell, but want to stay on the straight narrow way as near as I can determine in these difficult times.

Once they get you thinking they could be right, then you look at they can hardly agree on anything else uniformly even within their own denominations or nondemoninational approaches. Except that catholics are going to hell because they stubbornly cling to the "harlot" church. I think I detected a lot of that here.

I do not look to being rescued from my confusion from any apparition anywhere. It will have to come from within.

166 posted on 05/02/2005 4:29:32 PM PDT by Aliska
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To: Campion

Your hatred is really ugly, you know. You don't know me from Adam. You've never even met me.
Campion....sigh....why should I not hate that which is costing you your soul. You are right, I don't know you, and no I have never met you but I know what you are in. I KNOW what you are in. "There is a way that seems right unto man that leads to destruction."
I can go play around in the fluffy, no brainer threads if I wanted to, I don't have to do this. Time is short. "To whom much is given much is required." I understand to much to shut up.
What do I want for you? Freedom..salvation...a relationship with your Heavenly Father that requires you to go thru NO ONE. A knowing deep in your heart that you are one of the sons of God. That for you there is NO purgatory, you don't have to light candles, you don't have to say your rosary. YOU ARE FREE...Christ paid it all for you. ALL of it. I want you to have that Blessed Assurance.

There is no place for me to send you...I support no state tied religious organization. I can only send you straight to the Father....ONLY thru the Son...and YOU work out your salvation with trembling and fear. "Fear is the BEGINNING of wisdom." Its just the beginning.
GO LOOK FOR TRUTH!!! You trust your Heavenly Father to save you, yet you don't trust Him to teach you? What sense is that? Wipe your mind clear, go to your bible, pray, and let Him teach you. I hate this system that puts itself between God and those that would be saved. Hate it. It's you understand the word deception? "In the last days if it were possible the very elect of God will be deceived." Can you heed that straight from the bible scripture?

167 posted on 05/02/2005 4:31:07 PM PDT by BriarBey ("He Who Does Not Remember History Is Condemned To Repeat It")
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To: D Edmund Joaquin

and the great whore is a great political religious system, Babylon the Great, whom truth be told, has already fallen

True Edmund but note it says Babylon is fallen, is fallen.
She falls twice, she has fallen once.....Rev. 18 is her next fall, her last and final fall.

168 posted on 05/02/2005 4:36:18 PM PDT by BriarBey ("He Who Does Not Remember History Is Condemned To Repeat It")
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To: Aliska; JockoManning

i THINK, BELIEVE, FEEL that one of the crucial lessons of our time . . . at The Lord's hand


above and beyond all else.

As WE SEEK HIM FIRST--all other things shall be added, including fitting spiritual knowledge.

He alone is our True and Faithful Shepherd.

He alone is our Warrior King.

He alone makes Intercession at The Father's Right Hand.

He alone is our Bridegroom. We must be devoted totally to Him alone.

I think therein is safety and freedom from confusion--though maybe not always as instantly as we might prefer--sometimes His lessons take more time than we prefer. Drawing as close as we know how from our side and trusting that He draws us ever closer is the best insurance I know against every kind of evil.

He is able to keep us when we are not able to do as well as we might prefer.

When I have been in times of confusion, I have done better to remind myself that satan is the author of confusion and I don't need to give him and his ways air time in my head.

And, that if necessary, I return to the most basic doctrines and await Holy Spirit's help to build back clarity and faith from the most basic up. At times, I was stripped to one--GOD IS. That was a frightful time. Thankfully, God brought me back step by step. . . . IN HIS TIME.

I think you are likely still quite solid on the Virgin Birth; Death on The Cross; Resurrection etc. Cling to the basics and let the noise fall by the wayside.

Organizations--even mostly right ones are of little consequence in the final analysis. It is our RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR RISEN LORD AND THE FATHER LED BY HIS SPIRIT that matters most. Let us walk close to Him covered in His Blood and led by His Spirit. Little else matters--whether organizations or miracles or whatever.

God's best to you. May The Lord make Himself increasingly PRESENT AND REAL TO YOU in whatever ways you most need at this time.

169 posted on 05/02/2005 4:41:30 PM PDT by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: BriarBey
Isaiah 21:9

And, behold, here cometh a chariot of men, with a couple of horsemen. And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen, is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken unto the ground

Revelation 18:2

And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Indeed, she got two sunsets and it's the evening of the second

170 posted on 05/02/2005 4:44:47 PM PDT by D Edmund Joaquin (Mayor of Jesusland)
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To: JockoManning

Bless you too!


171 posted on 05/02/2005 5:05:39 PM PDT by babygirlonly1
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To: BriarBey

Clean up your act or you'll be an ex-FReeper.

172 posted on 05/02/2005 5:11:39 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: D Edmund Joaquin

You've about worn out your welcome here.

173 posted on 05/02/2005 5:15:04 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: xzins

Nice to meet you. Because I am very curious and perhaps hard of understanding, I'd appreciate it if you could pin point the line of which you were talking about or specify what in the text alarmed you as a chaplan(I think you said you were). My heart tells me that I am not trying to stir up trouble,but out of curiosity I'd like to know. Perhaps your experience as a Chaplan could explain your view. Did you go to Bible college or something?

174 posted on 05/02/2005 5:19:52 PM PDT by babygirlonly1
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To: BriarBey; Campion; Quix; P-Marlowe; Dr. Eckleburg; All
Did you guys ever see the movie, Stand by Me?
175 posted on 05/02/2005 5:28:05 PM PDT by N Ron Hubbub
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To: BriarBey; Campion; Quix; P-Marlowe; Dr. Eckleburg; All
well in the movie the little wil wheaton character says to the big bully character a choice comment.

For banning people surreptiously and cowardly, I say the same thing to the so called Christian mod.:

Suck my big fat one

176 posted on 05/02/2005 5:33:26 PM PDT by N Ron Hubbub
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To: N Ron Hubbub

Seems like I saw at least most of STAND BY ME but I don't recall anything about it.

Sorry. What was it about? Might refresh my memory.

177 posted on 05/02/2005 5:42:19 PM PDT by Quix (HAVING A FORM of GODLINESS but DENYING ITS POWER. 2 TIM 3:5)
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To: N Ron Hubbub

Some people call that suicide by Mod.

178 posted on 05/02/2005 5:50:57 PM PDT by Religion Moderator
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To: babygirlonly1

No duh, if your'e a man of the cloth of course you went to college.

179 posted on 05/02/2005 5:57:20 PM PDT by babygirlonly1
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To: babygirlonly1

Thanks for your question, bg. Yes, I am a retired Army Chaplain and all of us have an undergraduate degree and have been to seminary or its equivalent. But that's not important to my concern above.

What concerns me about the above is that it claims to be conversation directly from God.

If it's directly from God, don't you think it should be added to the bible?

180 posted on 05/02/2005 6:03:04 PM PDT by xzins (Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It!)
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