"Discuss" all you want. And if, as I suspect, you delighted in Schiavo's murder then I'm not surprised that others were using such invective. Not me, though - - I would simply figure there must be something wrong with you and tell you to have a nice life.
See what I mean? Any attempt at a rational discussion is met with this kind of hyperbolic nonsense from you. You are a disgrace to argument and persuasion. Is it any wonder that this has caused such a rift on FR?
We can argue the argument, not the poster if you like. I think Delay and lots of people on Terri's side lost a whole lot of credibility by saying stupid, extremist emotional words in this battle.
BTW, no, I didn't delight in Schiavo's "murder" I also didn't delight in the so called conservatives all of a sudden abandoning the rule of law that was so important to adhere to during the impeachment.
Watch out for the incoming, you know, the perfect freepers, who are perfectly conservative, who speak perfectly, never make a mistake, always vote perfectly, for the perfect conservative pols, who then vote on the floor for perfect bills, have perfect judgement at all times, and have no room in their perfect world for human beings in DC.
And if your not perfect, pure, clean, with perfect timing, overboard you go.
Don't ever get in the foxhole with them, ever.