To: rodguy911
I will make a prediction. The illegal immigration debate will start when Hillary brings it up in her move to the right in a couple of years or sooner. Rather than let her have the issue we will finally take action. Repair fences, increase border patrol, use military if absolutely necessary and basically get "real" about protecting a very open border Read my tagline.
1,214 posted on
02/11/2005 6:05:26 PM PST by
( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberish)
To: Dane
I guess I should have qualified that a little bit more.
When rats,like Hillary, "talk" about something it's as if they actually "did" something. Hillary will talk and demagogue the issue of illegal immigration(and many other issues) until the cows come home. But, you are right she will never ever do anything at all about it. She wouldn't dare. Hispanics have become yet another minority group the rats take for granted.
Her game-plan is to "talk" her way into the office of Potus promising anyone anything that even remotely seems feasible and then do what she pleases. And that will be a socialist, left/wing agenda for sure.
1,230 posted on
02/11/2005 6:13:24 PM PST by
(rodguy911:First Let's get rid of the UN and the ACLU,..toss in CAIR as well.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson