Posted on 02/11/2005 10:55:36 AM PST by Jim Robinson
The shot heard around the Internet has been fired on The owner Jim Robinson and his moderators have launched a sniper style purge against members that disagree with the Presidents guest worker amnesty or support more control of illegal immigration. Free Republic is an amazing tool for those looking for a good debate and news from around the country.
The problem for the administration of the site is that their creation is allowing the participants to learn that the Bush immigration record and plans are shockingly out of line with the views of most conservatives. The managements answer to this conflict between the majority of conservatives and the influence of the White House on their Web site has become electronic executions and censorship.
Members and readers of Free Republic would be surprised to know that many members of their community have fallen silent on the discussions about illegal immigration lately because free speech is an illusion on They are silent because they have been banned from the Web site without warning, cause, or explanation in most cases. For weeks the moderators have been suspending and banning new members that chimed in quickly on the immigration debates.
Now this trend has broadened as the first groups of long-term users were suspended or banned this past week. Although Robinson and his staff removed many members of the Free Republic community in the first few days of the purge, those that religiously support President Bushs immigration plan, open borders and approve of public benefits for illegal aliens remain on the forum. Those that were banned were the members that wanted more done to control illegal immigration and a strict observance to the Presidents Oath of Office.
The people I blame-primarily-for this dilemma are the feckless pols who refuse to lift a finger to control an existential threat to our nation's economy.
Namely, unimpeded illegal immigration into this country.
Based on all the truth and logic not to mention lawful construction, you have espoused, I am surprised you haven't been banned yet. Keep up the good fight. I'll be talking to you.
And thankfully that majority is growing every day.
This thread may very well have set an all-time FR record for "racist" accusations. Few things are more off-putting than seeing (so-called) conservatives unjustifiably hurl that word around with Jesse Jacksonesque abandon.
Racism? No, that's the wrong term. Hispanics are not a race. Xenophobe is the term that I think you're looking for. And while there may be some who used to post here about whom that statement is valid, please do not let someone convince you that it applies to all.
If you look at the Border Ping List, you will see at least a dozen FReepers with hispanic FReepNames. I am an immigrant, my wife is an immigrant, and my son's in-laws are immigrants. In fact, those two families settled here before Arizona became a state and are what I would call charter citizens. One family is from Spain, the other from Mexico.
Our families are legal immigrants. It's the unchecked illegal immigration and all of the concomitant problems associated with said that we are against. We are not racist, we are not xenophobic, and we are insulted by those who try to label us as such.
Thanks for the info Hijinx!
I found their home base. Jim Robinson was right to ban these racists. Just look at this mess I found on their website. You would not expect to see this in America: a nation of immigrants. These guys are anti-business and sound like facists.
"1. Support our border patrol and increase resources to prevent the estimated 3 million illegal aliens from entering the US this year.
2. Provide resources and mandate enforcement of existing laws to remove the 15 million illegal aliens currently in the US. Catching illegal immigrants that cross the border and sending them back across to make another trip the next night is necessary but will not work in the long run. We need to locate and detain illegal immigrants who have been in the US and send them back to their country of origin. Any assets they have obtained while illegally present in the US should be seized and used to reimburse the taxpayers. Local law enforcement should be allowed to enforce immigration law. Equal Opportunity Deportation (EOD): ALI-PAC believes that we should deport illegal immigrants regardless of race, religion, creed, or ethnic background. Those deported should be denied any future attempt at legal immigration and should face prison time if they ever return.
3. Remove incentives that encourage illegal immigration such as driver licenses, free healthcare, free education, bilingual translators at government agencies, guest worker programs. We should not have to Press One for English and taxpayers should not be forced to pay for those that break our laws. The American public votes NO to becoming a bilingual society. Immigrants should integrate themselves to our nations language and culture.
4. Increase fines, penalties, and jail time for illegal immigrants, employers who intentionally hire them, and the smugglers they work with. We must strengthen our laws to send people and businesses that engage in human trafficking a message: those that intentionally break our laws will face punishment."
What's silly is to live in a place and not have the most basic understanding of its history.
-good times, G.J.P.(Jr.)
Oh we'll be told it's good. "Just look at this shiny new state-of-the-art law that goes 'Ping!'"
Government, business, immigrant "rights" industry, multiculturalists, academia, MSM, globalists' migrant labor, Democrats, Republicans, the U.N., foreign governments -- who doesn't support "willing worker-employer"? Only the bigoted xenophobic neo-Davidians holed up in their compounds oppose it. That's who. Hee, hee. Uh-oh!
It's a done deal. The fat Elvis has sung and left the building. It's about econmics and "social justice".
And yes I believe that it can become that serious.
Oh really now?
Beyond its original native inhabitants, Marcos de Niza, a Franciscan, explored the area in 1539. Coronado's expedition entered the area in 1540-42 during its search for Cibola. Father Kino developed a chain of missions and taught the Indians Christianity in southern Arizona and northern Sonora in the 1690s and early 1700's. Spain founded fortified towns (presidios) at Tubac in 1752 and Tucson in 1775. All of what is now Arizona became part of Mexico's northwest frontier upon the Mexican assertion of independence from Spain in 1821. The United States took possession of most of Arizona at the end of the Mexican War in 1848. In <1853 the land below the Gila River was acquired from Mexico in the Gadsden Purchase. Arizona was administered as part of the Territory of New Mexico until it was organized into a separate territory on February 24, 1863.At the direction of Brigham Young, Mormons came from Utah in the mid to late 1800s to the Phoenix Valley (or "Valley of the Sun"), Prescott, Snowflake, Heber and many other Arizona towns to settle there. One of the first Latter-day Saint temples built in the Southwest was the Mesa temple, finished in 1927.
Arizona was admitted into the union on February 14, 1912.
The Mormons who settled in Arizona were illegal aliens.
It's not a good idea to repeat that line...well, the 'most' term, perhaps.
Take a look at the criminal damage caused by illegal immigrants and you'll see that there's just no way you can say that. There are too many dead law enforcement officers, full jails, and failing hospitals for that to be true.
No, I'm stating the reality of the situation we are in. You can't oppose reality anymore than you can oppose gravity.
Those that come here and wish to retain their culture, nothing wrong with that. But those who come here and wish to have Americans conform to their culture should stay in their "culture" and fix their own countries.
Yes, employers lower their wages to the point where illegal immigrants will only take the "jobs Americans won't do" and Citizens won't do the jobs for a variety of reasons.
Our culture has been changed so much by the liberal agenda to the point that children these days are not taught a good work ethic. And are brought up without the knowledge that they have to work. I knew one kid who was too proud to work at McDonalds and he ended up in San Quentin.
We can't blame it all on the greedy employers either. Sure, they encourage it also.
I blame them for this problem long before I would go after poor, desperate and largely uneducated people who exploit their invitation to come in and get these jobs they do not want to give their fellow citizens.
My statement in no way "goes after the poor, desperate uneducated etc people."
The blame starts at the top, with the corrupt government in Mexico. Mexico is a very rich country, and has thousands of Millionaires. Most if not all of which exploit the citizens of that country and steal all the resources to the point where it's pretty much a master/slave relationship.
Kinda like it was here a couple of hundred years ago. Did we desert our fledging country and sneak into other countries and undermine their economy? No, we stayed and fought for a free country.
If illegal immigrants here are educated enough to do construction jobs, etc then they should be smart enough to take their country back from the corrupt regime that has run it for decades.
You know you're winning the argument when that's the only thing the other side can throw out.
I bet you can't cite the legislation that prevented them from doing so.
If you can't reply in a civil manner please don't reply to me at all.
Now we can have immigration, but it has to be within reason and in numbers the country can absorb. Your free-for-all beliefs is exactly why there's turmoil brewing in the GOP, the vast majority of the electorate doesn't support it.
And IMO, your hope is that they go to hillary(who like her so-called husband, talks the talk for pure politcal reasons only and you eat it up), sorry but it isn't 1992 anymore, you all aren't the sole gatekeepers of information in the year 2005.
Oh BTW, did you know that your hero tom tancredo worked in the federal education dept. and did nothing to dismantle it. He got a paycheck from me and now his followers diss me as a traitor.
Oh and get this it gets worse these cooks at ALIPAC want to take away the American tradition of birth citizenship. There are so many wacko groups out there. I guess Jim has sent them a clear message to stay off Free Republic. It's Jim's site and he can do as he pleases. That's America!
(From the ALIPAC Platform)
"8. Remove the provision that gives citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are born on US soil. For many years, the rule has been that if you are born here you are granted citizenship. The vast majorities of illegal immigrants know this and are abusing the rule by quickly having babies once they enter the US. Legal Americans are paying the cost of this foreign baby boom through increased health care costs and Medicaid. Having a child at our expense should not be a foothold to staying in the US illegally."
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