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Not so ‘Free Republic’: The Shot Heard Around the Net
The Conservative Voice ^
| Feb 11, 2005
| by William Gheen, President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC
Posted on 02/11/2005 10:55:36 AM PST by Jim Robinson
click here to read article
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To: wardaddy
there is a whiff of that here Spiff Please you can do better to describe your drama queen moroseness than paraphrasing jerry nadler,
"There is a whiff of fascism in the air", jerry nadler D-NY, Florida, November 2000.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:44:09 PM PST
( anyone who believes hillary would do something to stop illegal immigration is believing gibberish)
To: Jim Robinson
What is this lunatic talking about? I have heard more people oppose Bush's immigration policies than support it, and they're all still here. Including me.
To: Fawnn
We should probably stop giving those complimentary wedgies on the way out the door. ;)
posted on
02/11/2005 4:45:42 PM PST
Not A Snowbird
(Official RKBA Landscaper and Arborist, Pajama Duchess of Green Leafy Things)
To: pbrown
To: MeekOneGOP; bmwcyle; Howlin; Grampa Dave; Coop; Jim Robinson
When you and your out-of-control moderators ban people then your indoctrinated flying monkeys such as MeekOneGOP, bmwcyle, Howlin, Grampa Dave, and Coop treat them rudely and offensively and post funny kitty pictures as sport, you should know by now that bad karma is its own punishment. He actually left me out of such an esteemed group? I'm insulted......
posted on
02/11/2005 4:47:30 PM PST
(I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.)
To: b4its2late
posted on
02/11/2005 4:47:56 PM PST
(It's a great day to be an American -- and a Bush Republican!!!!)
To: dr_pat
posted on
02/11/2005 4:48:03 PM PST
Bald Eagle777
(The Chinese military is the opposition force. Traitors at home aid and abet them.)
To: patriciaruth
Believe it or not it works.I called a Freeper on this ,in one of the smoking threads and asked him ,to please stop with the insults and he actually did.
As for me ,I will leave a thread ,if I get to hot under the collar and feel myself slipping into wanting to personally insult someone.It is better to remove yourself and move on to an other thread,than getting banned.
To: MarketR
(MarketR writes)
I have read many of the threads about this project, including those of the organizers. Numerous times it was discussed what kind of "protection" one should bring with them. Sniper rifles and sidearms were the norm. Now, protection in the field with sidearms is fine, ....Sniper rifles???? Hmmmm...wonder what those are for.The park rangers at Arizona's Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument wear camouflage, carry assault rifles, and chase drug smugglers through the blazing desert. They're at the front lines of a violent border warand they're losing.In August, a park ranger, 28-year-old Kris Eggle, was killed while helping Border Patrol agents catch two men suspected by Mexican officials in a drug-related quadruple murder. The men had driven a stolen SUV through one of many holes in the fence that separates the park from the Mexican state of Sonora.National geographic Yep...even liberal NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC gets the picture.
MarketR, do you happen to know what the invaders, when armed, are carrying? How efficacious is a .22 pistol against an/several AK-47 armed drug smuggler(s)? have you ever heard the term "don't bring a knife to a gunfight"? How about "God is on the side of the heaviest artillery"? It takes guts to throw oneself into the breach like this. If these invaders are shooting at, and killing our border patrolmen and park rangers (which they are) Drug Seizures and Armed Smugglers Dangerous parks Dangerous parks per NPS Murdered Park Ranger Drugs runners in our National Parks Do you think they'd hesitate to do the same to an unarmed citizen or a citizen armed only with a "sidearm"? With all due respect, before you criticize others (from the comfort of your armchair, in the finest 'armchair patriot' style) who have the GUTS and temerity to put their asses on the line out of love for this nation I think it is incumbent to know WHATINHELLYERTALKIN'ABOUT
posted on
02/11/2005 4:48:18 PM PST
("If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat" (Ronaldus Magnus))
To: dr_pat
lol! I think you're a riot!!! : )
To: Howlin
posted on
02/11/2005 4:48:49 PM PST
(I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.)
To: Howlin
I'm making a special plea for everyone to step back, to think of each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and try to be nicer to each other.
I am also thoughtless and can be cutting, too. We all need to take a moment to edit what we say to each other.
asgardshill knows from our personal private discussions that I think he is pretty hardheaded about this also.
To: Jim Robinson
I oppose illegal immigration and strongly favor sealing our borders so that we can control who comes in. May I express such sentiments on your site?
To: Jim Robinson
the truth about the conservative voice
looks like this whole thing was posted by mr Tabor as payback to jim.
posted on their site today:
I'm Nathan Tabor and I am proud to be part of this site. After I ran for Congress in NC (and lost) I saw a need for a conservative news and commentary site. Thus I appreciate what Jim Robinson has done. However, he banned me several times because I wasn't the candidate they supported.
(thus i'll find someone to trash him and i'll post it on my website.)
this punk loser makes me sick.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:49:53 PM PST
(ACLU = Anti-Christian, Liberal, and Un-American.)
To: freeangel
Thanks for the poll. It tells volumes.Amen!!!
To: theDentist
I haven't been purged yet, and I oppose it vehemently
Spokeshave dead set against illegal immigration, no amnesty for illegals and certainly no driving licences.
posted on
02/11/2005 4:50:07 PM PST
(Strategery + Schardenfreude = Stratenschardenfreudery)
To: Spiff; Poohbah
What about in posts here, or do you think anything should go?
posted on
02/11/2005 4:50:12 PM PST
(A pro-artificial turf, pro-designated hitter baseball fan.)
To: freeangel
What poll? Now what did I miss? Sheesh. I can't leave this place for one minute and all hell breaks loose.......
posted on
02/11/2005 4:51:13 PM PST
(I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.)
To: patriciaruth; Howlin; asgardshill
asgardshill is a very faithful and generous troop supporter and when he isn't acting insane, he is quite funny. Patty, that rant of asgardshill's was completely out of line.
One does not move in and out of that kind of insanity, and remain outside an institution.
One or the other side of him is disingenuous. And regardless of which side is the real asgardshill, I'd steer clear of him were I you........
posted on
02/11/2005 4:52:44 PM PST
(George W. Bush........AVENGER of the BONES!!)
To: asgardshill
I'm honored to be one of the flying monkeys.
You're as bitter, immature and irrelevant as always. :-D
posted on
02/11/2005 4:52:51 PM PST
(In memory of a true hero - Pat Tillman)
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