Especially since he could have just as easily attached Malachi Martin's name to it. Martin in an Art Bell interview,(I believe his last) told a "white witch" who called in to ask it she would go to heaven that she would. He proceeded with the same unCatholic gobbledy gook that the new-agers do. "Good person,loves god blah-blah,yada,yada." But I guess Fr. S's purpose was to impugn Opus Dei,not Malachi Martin.
Another little proof of the "eye of the beholder" genre, is this statement by Drolesky: More of his brother priests need to follow his example of humility and fidelity,to say nothing of his courage".After reading everything written in the article I have my own interpretation of Father S. From the perspective of someone with only a bachelor's degree and fifteen years of Employee Relations management in a Human Resource department,I would change the tail end of that statement to more accurately reflect the situation to: his example of pride and perfidy,to say nothing of his arrogance.
saradippity wrote:
"Martin in an Art Bell interview,(I believe his last) told a "white witch" who called in to ask it she would go to heaven that she would. He proceeded with the same unCatholic gobbledy gook that the new-agers do. "Good person,loves god blah-blah,yada,yada." But I guess Fr. S's purpose was to impugn Opus Dei,not Malachi Martin."
I know the interview very well. You're confusing several callers as one. Martin made a distinction between what is called "White wicca" as being "Nature worship" contrasting it with out and out Satanism. He stated prudently that "white wicca" has other liabilities attached to it. But many people come out of it through seeing God's creation and concluding that there must be what for all intents and purposes is the "uncaused cause" as Aquinas describes it.
Martin acted with traditional Catholic prudence in those interviews. He only had a limited amount of time to deal with them and mostly he was dealing with people in positions of atheism and "anti-religious" sentiment. He even explains to one of the callers that he would need hours to accurately explain the proper theological position.
Fr. Martin, you'll notice if you study him thoroughly was always capable of speaking to people on their terms. (many people are speculating from listening to his interviews and the testimony of those that knew him that he had the gift of discernment) He could speak "modernist lingo" as he did in 3 Popes and the Cardinal and Jesus Now. He could explain things to the everyday person (There is still love) and he could explain the world in terms of geopolitics. But in each of these circumstances he, like a prophet of old would lead the conversation back to solid Catholic ground.