To: weegee
While I don't believe that creationism should be taught in schools, why is there such a need to teach evolution at all? "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." -- Theodosius Dobzhansky
If we need to teach biology, we need to teach evolution.
To: VadeRetro
Cell division can be observed and repeated.
We "learn" biology but some deny the obvious which is why they claim that a fetus is not "alive".
86 posted on
01/16/2005 1:18:16 AM PST by
(WE FOUGHT ZOGBYISM November 2, 2004 - 60 Million Voters versus 60 Minutes - BUSH WINS!!!)
To: VadeRetro
You don't need to know "why" to teach "what" when it comes to biology. Since evolution has never been seen in an independent laboratory under controlled conditions, nor has the process been duplicated by any reputable scientist, none of us can state with scientific certainty that evolution is anything other than a thought that attempts to explain why.
Creationism falls into the same category.
90 posted on
01/16/2005 4:37:29 AM PST by
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