I believe in evolution... and ya, I think it is pretty much fact.... what do you think of that? I think you might as well believe that 747s are made by tornadoes passing through junkyards. I think you might as well believe that if you find a digital watch laying around it formed from natural forces. I agree with the chief editoe of the Encyclopedie Francais, who said "Evolution is a fairy tale for adults." I think that if I told you a frog turned into a prince instantaneously you would call it a fairy tale, but if we work in 300 million years, you'd call it science.
Oh, and I think you should read these questions:
- What fossil record is there of any transitional fossils indicating that one order evolved into another order?
- Is there any evidence of a order that was at one time a different order? I recognize that there is adaptation within an order, different breeds of dogs for example, but I don't know of any case where there is any evidence of a dog becoming a horse.
- What scientific evidence is there to support a natural origin of life?
- How does one support the conclusion of the American Society of Biological Teachers that evolution is "unsupervised, impersonal and random?" What scientific (as opposed to philosophical) basis is there for this statement?
- (A follow-up question for 4) Is this not inconsistent with discoveries about DNA, which indicate that there is a mathematical formula determining the complexity of human beings? Do mathematical formulas have naturalistic origins?
- How do we reconcile the second law of thermodynamics with the universe as we know it? If the universe is indeed winding down, does that not presuppose that sometime and by some means it was being wound up? By what means?
- What is your answer to Dr. Michael Behe's findings (Darwin's Black Box) about the irreducible complexity of the cell structure, that is, his mousetrap example? All the parts of a cell had to work at once otherwise the cell doesn't work. Thus evolution of one part at a time is not reasonable.
- What caused the Big Bang?
- What did Einstein mean when he said, "God does not play dice with the cosmos?" If he considered evidence of intelligence in the universe, why shouldn't we?
- What evidence is there for genetic mutations that increase the biologically useful information of the genome? Or to put it another way: What evidence is there for genetic mutations facilitating macroevolutionary change?