To: NicknamedBob; tuliptree76; Dead Corpse
Ha! I'm here.... finally. What did I miss?
47,036 posted on
11/29/2004 1:43:09 PM PST by
(Defenestrate - to throw something (or someone) out of a window)
To: Darkchylde
You missed a lot. LOL!
Maybe your brother can give you an update. ;-)
To: Darkchylde
A bunch. tuliptree76 was dubbed the Primus Vixenica. I got back a day early due to mixing up my Christmas and Thanksgiving flight plans. A bit over a thousand posts have gone by.
Same old weirdness... gotta love it...
47,041 posted on
11/29/2004 1:46:08 PM PST by
Dead Corpse
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