BigSky,did this garden ornament have its feelings hurt and hit you,too?
I listened carefully, so please return the favor: YOU listen carefully.
For the sake of your cause, you should retire and let the people who read White House faxes take over. You really hurt your cause. I voted for Bush once and could be convinced to vote for him again. But it's really sickening to pick a candidate based upon the other guy being worse. And, with the exceptions of 1976 Texas Republican Primary, 1980, 1984 and 2000 (misguided here) general elections, that has been the reason for my 100% Republican voting record since 1968. Your "LP" sneer is pretty lame for that reason alone.
So, tell us why we should vote for Bush. You might win some converts--especially among those without principles or intellect. You might even win some of those of with principles or intellect if you demonstrate some yourself. Or ping someone for help.