2024 Q3 Summary

Q-t-D Receipts
(includes monthlies to-date)

(pledged, not actual receipts)

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How secure is my Credit Card information?
A. Credit card transactions are processed by Authorize.net. A professional payment authorization service was chosen for added security and reliability. Only the donation amount and the credit card information provided by the donor is supplied to Authorize.net. Information collected during transactions is maintained in their database for accounting and billing purposes.
Q. I am concerned about my privacy, with who will you share my information?
A. Free Republic agrees to use its best efforts to maintain security over personal information submitted by user in confidence on this form and agrees not to disclose e-mail address, password or any personal information about user to any third party.
Q. I cannot afford to contribute financially, how else may I contribute?
A. Get involved! Post! Contact your local Free Republic chapter and participate in events!
Q. Is my donation to Free Republic tax deductible?
A. No, donations to Free Republic, LLC (FreeRepublic.com) are not tax deductible. However, there are other entities that, while allied with Free Republic, LLC, are separate organizations, and therefore their tax status may differ.